Saturday, July 30, 2005

Return Trip

Everything went well on the return trip. Problems during the trip through Europe, but over all a good trip. I'm sure you'll hear all about it in upcoming posts. I'm just glad it's over. My wife has been going insane since about a week or two before our son left. (And yes I said son. We have two. For those just joining the conversation, I have a problem giving information about my family - see past posts!) Maybe now things will settle down.

I hope to be able to post again. I have been running a little short on time and miss getting things off of my chest. We also gave my son's room a make-over. It was time for him to grow up and have a room that reflected it. It will be a huge, work in progress, project. He was surprised as he knew nothing about it. If you look, you just might find some things of his on eBay. We haven't decided on doing it (eBay) or not. We shall see.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Euro Trip

Yesterday, around 1500 EST., began the journey to Europe. It was over at 0600 EST. (noon there) in Paris. It was said to be sixty degrees. And so begins to sojourn through Paris and Italy.
As ingenuity permits, pictures will be sent to a moblog as they are taken. Click on this link or follow the one on the left. It will be there as long as the moblog is alive.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Fourth of July.

Happy fourth of July everyone.

Working with veterans, I've seen many things. It always strikes me as peculiar how little things get over looked. Today is a day to celebrate our nations independence from Britain. As with Memorial day, this is a day to celebrate our vets. It was those fighting the war with Great Britain that won our independence as well as every soldier who fought in any war throughout the years to keep it. If you are a veteran, I thank you. If you know one, thank them for yourself as well as me.
