Sunday, August 07, 2005

Long Overdue

It's time to get serious about my blog. I'm finally going to revamp the entire thing. I think I'll get rid of some ads, the clock, and just trim it up a bit. I think it's getting out of hand. It looks too over commercialized and cramped. I've had a template I've wanted to use for some time now, so I might as well use it. I'm on vacation next week, so I think I'll experiment at home with it and see what I come up with. If you see many changes in the future you'll know why.

My son's website will be getting new pics as soon as we get them developed. I hope to get some organization involved also. But that depends on what he wants to do with it. Who knows, he may even write something when we get his room finished and his computer hooked up. He may get wireless internet connection, but that's still in discussion. We will see what happens when it happens. Keep checking in on his site to see where it goes. He's very intelligent, he just hates to write, although when he does he's very good. His link is on the left (the people to people one). I guess I'll have to make it more noteworthy.


1 comment:

Bora Zivkovic said...

Hi, sorry for OT, but I could not find your e-mail address. I am hosting the Grand Rounds next week and I have noticed a sharp decrease in contribution from nurses. Even if Nursing Moment takes off, I sure hope that nurses do not just quit submitting to Grand Rounds. Can you, please, help me spread the word and ask your nursing friends to send some entries by Monday at midnight? Perhaps you can post a call for submissions or e-mail other nurse bloggers. Thanks,