Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My Travel Day

After work I'll be finishing a few things up and then leaving for Virginia. I've got my clothes and CD's ready to go. I think I'll be grabbing a quick bite at the house before leaving. Nonstop trip is planned, we'll see how it goes. I'm returning tomorrow evening after visiting the SPY MUSEUM. I can't wait for that and seeing friends I haven't seen in years (more the friends than the museum). I haven't seen there youngest since the age of ..... Three I think? The darling had only said a few words at that point, one of which being my eldest's name.

Around noon I received a phone call that my oldest child pushed my youngest child into a marble wall, trying to get to a museum exhibit and busted his lip open. I'm not even there and I have to deal with medical issues. I think it's funny how my wife will knock me out of the way to get to one of the children when they're hurt even though I'm a nurse. The motherly instinct is a very strong thing.

It's four o'clock and I'm done with work. On to the house and then the road.


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