Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Break

Over my Christmas break from work we were able to meet with our friends from Virginia. We had a great time. It was good to go out with intelligent adults our age again. We don't go out with much of anyone but family, and their knowledge base is limited. Not that they're complete idiots, it's just good to get a different aspect of ideas. Her book is going along well. Many deals being worked out and new opportunities coming up all the time. I believe it's going to be a huge success. Again, it doesn't surprise me with as intelligent as she/they are. Now to wait until the next time we can spend time with them.

I was late for work this morning as my youngest was apparently playing with my clock and changed the time zone. No problem from work, it just threw my entire day off. Awakening from a sleep to have to rush to get everything done always makes me jittery. I had to take a minute to calm down so I would quit making simple mistakes in my haste to get ready. What a day!

I hope every one's Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) was pleasant and I hope you have a good start to the New Year.



Veryreal Casting said...



Discovery Health, a division of the Discovery Channel is
producing a new program which is currently being cast. We are seeking people in the Tri State area whose lives have been seriously affected by a facial injury or disfigurement, which they are Unable to have repaired. Selected individuals will work with a prominent NYC based reconstructive surgeon to aid address the injury and perform corrective surgery in order to restart their lives. For further info please send your name, phone number, email contact and a photo of yourself along with a paragraph about your story, details of the injury and how it has impeded your life.

Send all the information to
This is a time sensitive casting please
send all information by May 28, 2010. We will contact you ASAP.

Veryreal Casting said...



Discovery Health, a division of the Discovery Channel is
producing a new program which is currently being cast. We are seeking people in the Tri State area whose lives have been seriously affected by a facial injury or disfigurement, which they are Unable to have repaired. Selected individuals will work with a prominent NYC based reconstructive surgeon to aid address the injury and perform corrective surgery in order to restart their lives. For further info please send your name, phone number, email contact and a photo of yourself along with a paragraph about your story, details of the injury and how it has impeded your life.

Send all the information to
This is a time sensitive casting please
send all information by May 28, 2010. We will contact you ASAP.