Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Gripe for today.

I know, it's been awhile. I'm trying to make changes and I just don't seem to have the time. With repairs/changes to the house and my wife's family going in and out of the hospital, time is very short.

I have a question for anyone who might happen upon this mess I call a blog. What ever happened to the old stike anywhere matches? I've been looking for them for quite a while now. Does no one make them any more? I use them in emergency/survival kits as water proof matches (with minor alterations). You can strike them on any rough surface and get a flame. It's driving me crazy (although I never stray far from there anyway) looking for them. I'm guessing they only make them for the movies now a days. If I'm wrong, please correct me and tell me where I can get them!

Halloween is quickly approaching. I'm going as Brainiac, the arch nemesis of Superman! It's to a friends party with a Superhero theme. My youngest son (14 months) is going as Superman. My oldest son (12) and wife haven't decided what there going as. I may be wearing it twice as my boss is throwing a party at her house. All I need to get are green tights (it's hard finding tights in my size - even in the Big Girl section) and some blinking lights for the head gear. I haven't decided how I'm doing the lights yet. Any ideas?

Enough for today,


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