Tuesday, October 17, 2006


When I got home yesterday my grain mill was waiting in the mailbox! Thursday, maybe Friday I'm going to the feed store to get some wheat. I might get some corn and/or rye and see about some barley. I may even go tomorrow after work and get some if I can convince my wife that we have a few extra dollars until Friday. If not, I'll be on a buying spree when I get paid. O.K. So maybe not a buying spree. I need to limit what I buy as they come in fifty pound sacks. That's a large amount of grain to store. It would be a waste to buy too much and have it rotting somewhere in the house.

I have a "biggie" day planned for Friday (hense the "Wahoo). The Wiggles concert is where I'll be. My youngest (and oldest) is going to have a blast. Can't seem to get enough of The Wiggles. The tickets were a birthday gift from my uncle. We were going to get them either way, but he never knows what to get our kids anymore (and neither do we! *The spoiled little*). I'll have to let you know how it goes with FIVE HUNDRED screaming toddlers. {Insert slight sarcasm here} I can't wait!

I do think it's going to be fun.


1 comment:

kate loving shenk said...

hi there--just wanted you to see my new "LENS'--


also to say--i enjoy your blog--

kate loving shenk