Saturday, November 04, 2006

Halloween Party

Went to a halloween party last Saturday. The theme was Creepy Carnival. I was a fire eater/breather. It was too windy to breath fire but the fire eating was a hit. My wife tried to film it, but it was dark and just didn't turn out. It was one of those things were you couldn't really see my face, just this floating flame. We'll have to try again, if it works I'll try to post it.

I've been cutting up trees that have fallen on my families property. You never know how much work is involved until you start.

I need to change the brakes and rotors on the car to get it inspected. The only problem with that is I need to remove them so I can trade them in as they're still under warranty. I just did this a little over a year ago. I think it might be because my mother-in-law has been driving the car. It's nothing terrible, she is just one of those drivers that was taught to drive with one foot on the gas and one on the brake.

Ah, the things of daily living. Aren't they just great. Life goes on whether we want them to or not.

Another thing, I mentioned that a friend was getting her book published. She now has a definitive name for her book. It's called WICKED LOVELY. It's due out in June '07 I believe. I've read the draft and can say, it's a wonderful book. If you get the chance check it out. Until then, check out her sight. I linked it to the book title. Very cool sight. If your a writer she has incredible links, if your not the site in of itself is killer. The name's Melissa Marr, write it down. She is going to be HUGE. The book is young adult, but it's still an excellent read. Don't miss it.


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