It's raining today. Nothing heavy, just a constant drizzle. I hope it rains itself out today as the yard sale fundraiser is tomorrow. We hope to raise a decent amount of money for my oldest child's trip through Europe. It looks to be a big event as far as yard sales go. There is going to be baked goods, fundraiser candy bars, a raffle, and a 50/50 as well as all the things in a yard sale. I get to be in charge of "security" and money. Just because I'm big and ugly I have to intimidate any hoodlums that may show up. I expect to be beaten up by a few angry old ladies who are arguing over an ashtray or something along those lines. I'm more of a push-over then most would believe, I just look rough. It is funny though how children seem to see that more than adults. I love when a small child says in a loud voice, "Look dad! That man has no hair!". The father tries to quiet the child down without looking at me. All the while I'm making funny faces at the child having them laughing. It's good to be a freak.
You may be wondering what this post has to do with the title. Absolutely nothing. As I've mentioned in an earlier post - I hate trying to come up with a title. So, I just said whatever I thought. We were looking at homes in New Zealand a few days ago - another slow period at work - and there was a house that had a study/office with walls of windows that would completely open. It was beautiful. The wind was blowing the curtains back ever so slightly. It made me think of laying in bed on a hot summer morning and that cool breeze blows over your leg or shoulder and the sun is just breaking into the bedroom. Your awake but you refuse to open your eyes as you just want the moment to last forever. That would have been the perfect room for it. It appeared as though it looked out onto a jungle of foliage; nothing but thick, lush vegetation could be seen. No one for miles. Just you and the one you love. With nothing to do but enjoy each others company. True happiness; starting with just a breeze.
I guess I have to bring myself from my fantasy world and get back to work. Simple things can either make or devastate your day.
Later days.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
I wrote a BIG post/gripe yesterday and when I hit Publish Post I got an error message and the entire post was lost! I tried the Recover Post to no avail. I just can't believe I took at least an hour to complain and vent and now it's gone. See where complaining gets you?
I hope to ad a new link to my blog today. It's about song lyrics from the Eighties. If you like music it's pretty neat. I'm always looking to make this thing better, I just don't seem to have the time to do it. (That's what my ramblings were about yesterday - no time.) It's been a while since I wrote any HTML so I should probably refresh my knowledge of it. I would love to learn to code, but only for fun. I couldn't see myself coding for anything but pleasure. It's kind of like my thoughts on cooking: I love to cook but as soon as I'd have to do it for a living with someone telling me when it needs done, how it should be, etc. it would not be enjoyable anymore. I love to learn anything and everything. I feel the more you know the better off you'll be.
Sorry for rambling like I always do. I think I will look for some things to make this here blog thingy look better. That reminds me, I need to put a guest book in to see if anyone ever reads this thing. I don't think I have one yet. I'll have to check.
I hope to ad a new link to my blog today. It's about song lyrics from the Eighties. If you like music it's pretty neat. I'm always looking to make this thing better, I just don't seem to have the time to do it. (That's what my ramblings were about yesterday - no time.) It's been a while since I wrote any HTML so I should probably refresh my knowledge of it. I would love to learn to code, but only for fun. I couldn't see myself coding for anything but pleasure. It's kind of like my thoughts on cooking: I love to cook but as soon as I'd have to do it for a living with someone telling me when it needs done, how it should be, etc. it would not be enjoyable anymore. I love to learn anything and everything. I feel the more you know the better off you'll be.
Sorry for rambling like I always do. I think I will look for some things to make this here blog thingy look better. That reminds me, I need to put a guest book in to see if anyone ever reads this thing. I don't think I have one yet. I'll have to check.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Busy, Busy, Busy.
I haven't seen the computer for a while. I've had many things to do, just no time to do anything. With the upcoming yard sale (fundraiser), work (more at home than on the job), soccer (oldest child, not me), and running everywhere for/with my wife, I find it hard to find time to breathe. What happened to computers helping us by taking away menial tasks to free up our time? Where is my time? I guess some things just don't work the way they were imagined. Then again, few things do. Ask Einstein.
Thanks for the comments about a career change. They were very interesting and helpful. Many things to think about now. Mainly, what do I want to do? I know I need a career change, I just don't know where I want to take it. I have a wide range of interested so it's difficult to narrow them into a career. We shall see.
Not much going on at the moment. Just work and running everyone all over.
I get to leave work early today. I work 6 - 2:30 but, I have 2 hours of comp. time to use. I'll also take my lunch break in there so I'll leave at 12:00. I have some more running to do today, but I might get a chance to write.
Later days.
Thanks for the comments about a career change. They were very interesting and helpful. Many things to think about now. Mainly, what do I want to do? I know I need a career change, I just don't know where I want to take it. I have a wide range of interested so it's difficult to narrow them into a career. We shall see.
Not much going on at the moment. Just work and running everyone all over.
I get to leave work early today. I work 6 - 2:30 but, I have 2 hours of comp. time to use. I'll also take my lunch break in there so I'll leave at 12:00. I have some more running to do today, but I might get a chance to write.
Later days.
Monday, April 18, 2005
A New Career.
I think I need to find a new career. I was thinking of becoming a "Crime Fighter", but I wouldn't look good in tights (also why I ruled out Pro Wrestler). There isn't much money in it either, it seems you must be wealthy to begin with (think of Batman). I don't know what path to travel down at this point in my life. It seems I can't afford to go back to college and bring up a family. Maybe I should look into online schools. I'm just running some ideas through my mind. It seems to help if I verbalize them. So if I get a little goofy, it's just me dealing with the voices in my head.
I don't know if I want to further my Nursing and become an RN or just go in a completely different route. Maybe a stunt car driver (my wife tells me I drive fast and crazy enough). I just can't see me wiping butt until I'm SEVENTY. I got into Nursing because it was paid for, I couldn't commute to Pittsburgh, and it took longer to go through Mortician school than I could give up. I'd still like to become a Mortician, it's just that time/travel thing.
I guess I'll have to think on it. I also love working on computers and electrical wiring. Anyone with ideas/advice - type away.
I don't know if I want to further my Nursing and become an RN or just go in a completely different route. Maybe a stunt car driver (my wife tells me I drive fast and crazy enough). I just can't see me wiping butt until I'm SEVENTY. I got into Nursing because it was paid for, I couldn't commute to Pittsburgh, and it took longer to go through Mortician school than I could give up. I'd still like to become a Mortician, it's just that time/travel thing.
I guess I'll have to think on it. I also love working on computers and electrical wiring. Anyone with ideas/advice - type away.
Friday, April 15, 2005
The end is growing near.
It's almost breakfast time for the patients and it's almost time for me to go home. I'm more than ready for a long snooze. This will be the start of the first weekend off in a while. I would like to do nothing, but I'm sure I'll run around like always. Someone will want me to do something for them. Not to mention I have about forty million things that need done around the house. No rest for the wicked I guess.
Trays are here and it's time for me to get back to work. See you in the funny pages.
Trays are here and it's time for me to get back to work. See you in the funny pages.
It's a long night. I slept all day but I'm still tired. I have a head cold that's just draining me. We were to have three people on but one called off. Now it's just me and an RN and I'm just beat. I feel bad because I don't feel like I'm pulling my weight. It's like I'm in slow motion. I don't know if I have everything done that I'm supposed to or not. It's been a while since I worked third shift without another LPN in this facility. I'm going to check everything to make sure I did everything and get ready for morning meds. If I can stay awake long enough, or I get another chance, I'll write more.
If not, wish me wondrous dreams.
If not, wish me wondrous dreams.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
The end of another night shift.
Only one more to go. At eight o'clock I will have finished another third shift. Tomorrow will be my last. I will work four to midnight as my off tour from then on. With everyone working that shift I don't think it will be that bad. Only have to do them every so often and they won't destroy my days off when I have to do one. I'm thinking of pulling out the bicycle (still waiting for someone to give up a motorcycle) to go to work, we'll see though. Maybe I'll look into getting a scooter? Anybody want to send me a cheap scooter? I highly doubt it with the gas prices the way they are. I guess I'll be stuck trying to buy one for myself. Too bad I wasn't a young, pretty girl. Then I'd probably get all kinds of offers to buy me one. I just don't see a 6'0", bald, white guy passing himself off for a young, blonde girl. But then again, this is the internet (Ha, Ha.).
Well, it's getting close to quitting time. Good night; or good morning, which ever you prefer. I'm going to bed!
Well, it's getting close to quitting time. Good night; or good morning, which ever you prefer. I'm going to bed!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The man of oblivion.
Well, I guess I'll start by saying I was almost entirely invisible yesterday. I was given a task by my supervisor that kept me busy. So, Helga the Horrible was happy she didn't have to deal with/see me much and everyone else treated me like I was invisible. She was happily barking orders to her minions and they were nipping at her heels trying to please her. It's very funny how everyone treats her like their superior when she is our equal. That would be the main reason she despises me, I refuse to "bow down" to her and follow her demands. If she asks me to do something or for help I'm right there. I just refuse to be ordered to do something by my equal. If she had any authority it would definitely be different.
I believe another of my faults is that I'm a MAN. It seems like she tries to go out of her way to prove that she doesn't NEED a man to help her with the job. She has also stated as such many, many times. She dislikes at least two of the three other men that work directly with her, but they don't openly disagree/disobey her the way I do. I have told her on more then one occasion that she is not in charge and if she wants something from me to ask for it, and until that happens it won't get done by me. I can't help it, it's just the way I'm wired. If I have a problem with someone or disagree with someone I go to them and tell them about it. If I am going to say something about someone I will go to them and tell them what it was, trying to do it before it gets to them from someone else. I try to be open and honest, I'm just blunt. I tend to say what I think without holding any punches. Some people don't like that. She will complain to everyone about me, but me.
I never thought that working with women would be so........Different.? I'm beginning to believe that most women are either bipolar or have a split personality. It's self evident that I get treated differently by almost everyone when Helga is working. I feel like I'm back in grade school. When they're with Helga they kiss up to her and tell her that she's right. But, when they come over to me they're all for me. They'll say things like, "I can't believe that she hates you so much." or something to that effect. Now it's known that she hates to work with me so they'll do what they can to keep us on separate ends of the hall. It makes things easier for the rest of the staff, she doesn't complain to them or end up in a bad mood.
And here I thought my childhood was over! Some never make it out of kindergarten.
I believe another of my faults is that I'm a MAN. It seems like she tries to go out of her way to prove that she doesn't NEED a man to help her with the job. She has also stated as such many, many times. She dislikes at least two of the three other men that work directly with her, but they don't openly disagree/disobey her the way I do. I have told her on more then one occasion that she is not in charge and if she wants something from me to ask for it, and until that happens it won't get done by me. I can't help it, it's just the way I'm wired. If I have a problem with someone or disagree with someone I go to them and tell them about it. If I am going to say something about someone I will go to them and tell them what it was, trying to do it before it gets to them from someone else. I try to be open and honest, I'm just blunt. I tend to say what I think without holding any punches. Some people don't like that. She will complain to everyone about me, but me.
I never thought that working with women would be so........Different.? I'm beginning to believe that most women are either bipolar or have a split personality. It's self evident that I get treated differently by almost everyone when Helga is working. I feel like I'm back in grade school. When they're with Helga they kiss up to her and tell her that she's right. But, when they come over to me they're all for me. They'll say things like, "I can't believe that she hates you so much." or something to that effect. Now it's known that she hates to work with me so they'll do what they can to keep us on separate ends of the hall. It makes things easier for the rest of the staff, she doesn't complain to them or end up in a bad mood.
And here I thought my childhood was over! Some never make it out of kindergarten.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Another wondrous day.
Today was really good. No one was complaining or bickering. And then my wife brought our youngest in to see everyone around lunch time. Tomorrow may be a little different; my nemesis will be working. They were going to put us working together but I had to put a stop to that, she would have been in a foul mood (which is hard to tell the difference) all day long. Now she'll just ignore me and not say anything (to me) unless absolutely necessary. I feel that if she takes all her problems out on me (she's admitted to hating me) then she'll leave someone else alone. She seems to have at least a small problem with everyone. I'm a big guy, I can take it. I usually just irritate her into submission anyway. Then she sulks around and tries to get me in trouble with my supervisor - which doesn't work, she as well as all the other nurses know me too well to believe her complaints.
I'll be switching off tour shifts soon and can't wait. I have two more third shift tours coming up and then I'll have no more to do. I just signed my final copy of my evaluation. I don't know how long that will take to be reviewed. We'll wait and see how it goes.
Once again, it's time to go back to work.
I'll be switching off tour shifts soon and can't wait. I have two more third shift tours coming up and then I'll have no more to do. I just signed my final copy of my evaluation. I don't know how long that will take to be reviewed. We'll wait and see how it goes.
Once again, it's time to go back to work.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Reason for the pause.
It's been a few days since I've been able to blog as my wife's family apparently has a bad medical history. We've spent more time in a hospital, not the one I work at, than any of us wanted to.
My wife's Grandmother (who was recently diagnosed with Dementia/Alzheimers) was discharged Friday morning after having surgery for rectal cancer. Then her Grandfather (who is Diabetic) was admitted Friday night after falling down the stairs. Tonight, my Mother-In-Law (who was diagnosed a few years ago with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis) went to the hospital with severe abdominal pain, although she was not admitted. My poor wife has been running ragged as I've had to work all weekend. She also had to take our eldest child to the People To People meeting Saturday morning. And all this with sleep being a rare treat with our seven month old. And now they both (the kids) have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning that she's missing work for, and her mother has to see her doctor as soon as possible. If my wife has her (not my Mother-In-Law's) way that will also be tomorrow.
My Mother-In-Law is basically responsible for her parents. I believe her brothers feel that since she doesn't work (disabled due to Lupus) that she can take care of their needs. She used to take her mother, almost everyday, running here and there; shopping, getting her hair done etc. Since her car broke down and she can't afford to get another one she does what she can when someone can take her and pick them/her (Grandma) up. My wife does a lot of this. My Mother-In-Law has been running herself down trying to take care of them. That's why she ended up going to the hospital - STRESS. She is going to work/worry herself into a Lupus flair up that will put her in the hospital for a while.
So, I haven't had time to breath lately. I hope to write more, more often. See Ya'.
My wife's Grandmother (who was recently diagnosed with Dementia/Alzheimers) was discharged Friday morning after having surgery for rectal cancer. Then her Grandfather (who is Diabetic) was admitted Friday night after falling down the stairs. Tonight, my Mother-In-Law (who was diagnosed a few years ago with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis) went to the hospital with severe abdominal pain, although she was not admitted. My poor wife has been running ragged as I've had to work all weekend. She also had to take our eldest child to the People To People meeting Saturday morning. And all this with sleep being a rare treat with our seven month old. And now they both (the kids) have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning that she's missing work for, and her mother has to see her doctor as soon as possible. If my wife has her (not my Mother-In-Law's) way that will also be tomorrow.
My Mother-In-Law is basically responsible for her parents. I believe her brothers feel that since she doesn't work (disabled due to Lupus) that she can take care of their needs. She used to take her mother, almost everyday, running here and there; shopping, getting her hair done etc. Since her car broke down and she can't afford to get another one she does what she can when someone can take her and pick them/her (Grandma) up. My wife does a lot of this. My Mother-In-Law has been running herself down trying to take care of them. That's why she ended up going to the hospital - STRESS. She is going to work/worry herself into a Lupus flair up that will put her in the hospital for a while.
So, I haven't had time to breath lately. I hope to write more, more often. See Ya'.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
I just realized something and thought I would point it out to anyone reading: The last two posts go hand in hand. They both reflect different aspects of one society. Just another piece of evidence pointing to the fact that even though no two people are alike, we're all still the same (basically).
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
The History Channel and Nazis?
Is it a Nazi day of celebration or what? I'm at home today and obviously watching TV. I love The History Channel. It seems that everything they have on is about American/modern day Nazis. It's fascinating to learn just how deep Nazism runs in our history. And we still have a problem with racism today, on both sides. Everyone knows about the KKK, Neonazis, and Aryans as they did terrible things to innocent people. What everyone seems to overlook are simple things like Jet magazine, and The Ace Awards (the only ones I can think of off hand - I'm not singling anything/one out).
I don't have a problem with anyone being proud of their race/culture. What I do have a problem with is when someone complains about someone else having pride (like I am now I guess?). You can have The Ace Awards, but don't have a White/Italian/German/Indian American Award because that would be wrong. It seems as though Americans put down one type of people to give back to a people they previously put down.
Again, I'm not someone to say you shouldn't do this job or that job because you're this or that. I feel it completely intolerable to lower the standards so someone can get a particular job. It was a few years ago that they wanted women to become firefighters, but the women who took the test failed. So they sued and the women were given extra time and assistance during the test (someone would help the women carry the hose during their run and they did not have to do it in the same time as the men). I don't think it right to judge someone on their looks (color/age/sex/race/religion), but you shouldn't give someone "bonus points" for their looks either. If you can perform the task/job then fine, but don't ask for special treatment.
Enough of this for now. I don't want to make everyone think I'm a racist, I get enough of that from my looks. I'm 6'0", white, and bald. I keep getting ,"Are you a skinhead?".
Till next time.
I don't have a problem with anyone being proud of their race/culture. What I do have a problem with is when someone complains about someone else having pride (like I am now I guess?). You can have The Ace Awards, but don't have a White/Italian/German/Indian American Award because that would be wrong. It seems as though Americans put down one type of people to give back to a people they previously put down.
Again, I'm not someone to say you shouldn't do this job or that job because you're this or that. I feel it completely intolerable to lower the standards so someone can get a particular job. It was a few years ago that they wanted women to become firefighters, but the women who took the test failed. So they sued and the women were given extra time and assistance during the test (someone would help the women carry the hose during their run and they did not have to do it in the same time as the men). I don't think it right to judge someone on their looks (color/age/sex/race/religion), but you shouldn't give someone "bonus points" for their looks either. If you can perform the task/job then fine, but don't ask for special treatment.
Enough of this for now. I don't want to make everyone think I'm a racist, I get enough of that from my looks. I'm 6'0", white, and bald. I keep getting ,"Are you a skinhead?".
Till next time.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Life and times of a drug pusher.
I'm on the med card again, pushing a cart and passing pills to people. Another day, another twenty three cents; before taxes.
I've been trying to teach my oldest child about work and money. Explaining how you have to work X amount of hours for Y pay, but pay A, B, C, D, and E in taxes. Then you pay for bill S, which you need to pay T to have. And so on and so forth. I believe it's making an impression as to what it takes to get all the things we have (which isn't very much). It seems few people know much about finances anymore. I can't see how people can carry as much debt as is estimated. I couldn't owe that much money to anybody.
The reason the talk of money came up is that we're looking at starting our own business for the children to run. Just a little bike rental/refreshment stand on a small piece of property my family owns. The State has a bicycle trail that starts/ends at the edge of this property. I think it could generate a good amount of revenue. I need to look into information about starting a business in this state to see who I need to register with, and what, if any fees or licenses I might need. It will be a nice summer job for them, and they'll be their own boss. I'll try to keep everyone updated on this little venture.
I've been trying to teach my oldest child about work and money. Explaining how you have to work X amount of hours for Y pay, but pay A, B, C, D, and E in taxes. Then you pay for bill S, which you need to pay T to have. And so on and so forth. I believe it's making an impression as to what it takes to get all the things we have (which isn't very much). It seems few people know much about finances anymore. I can't see how people can carry as much debt as is estimated. I couldn't owe that much money to anybody.
The reason the talk of money came up is that we're looking at starting our own business for the children to run. Just a little bike rental/refreshment stand on a small piece of property my family owns. The State has a bicycle trail that starts/ends at the edge of this property. I think it could generate a good amount of revenue. I need to look into information about starting a business in this state to see who I need to register with, and what, if any fees or licenses I might need. It will be a nice summer job for them, and they'll be their own boss. I'll try to keep everyone updated on this little venture.
I recently heard of a man who sold his services on e-Bay. He will call one a week (I think?) and insult you. It can be for motivation or just cruelty. I never knew you could get paid for telling someone how terrible you/they/everyone thinks they are. It's obvious that there are some unusual things that go on in the world. It all depends on how you look at it I guess. You might think being belittled is exciting where someone else might think it appalling. Having worked in prisons I've seen people can find the ability to do anything. As I've said previously, I have thousands of stories that would curl your toes. Here's one I'll share, so if your a little squeamish, stop reading now.
We had an inmate come into the emergency room (the hospital was placed inside a maximum security prison) with a complaint of rectal problems. He was always coming in for one made up problem or another, trying to get placed in a hospital bed and out of the cell block. He once bit his lip and spit the blood into some fecal matter and claimed his rectum was bleeding. He was gay and having "relationship" problems; hence wanting to get away for a little while. Anyway, this particular trip to the emergency room, an x-ray was performed. It indeed showed a blockage in his anus. He had placed three asthma inhaler cartridges (the metal piece) inside. The Doctor questioned him about this and we got the story mentioned above. The Doctor was interested in one detail in particular, we couldn't figure out why the first two were inserted upright, while the third say sideways...??? The inmate stated casually that "When I put all three up there they kept falling out, so I had to turn one sideways to hold them in."
That is one of my tamest stories. I do believe I've just about seen it all. It's amazing what the body can put up with. It's more fascinating what people will do with their bodies.
More later; better go do some work.
As a little note - the spell checker doesn't recognize rectal. It wants to change it to recital. How odd....
We had an inmate come into the emergency room (the hospital was placed inside a maximum security prison) with a complaint of rectal problems. He was always coming in for one made up problem or another, trying to get placed in a hospital bed and out of the cell block. He once bit his lip and spit the blood into some fecal matter and claimed his rectum was bleeding. He was gay and having "relationship" problems; hence wanting to get away for a little while. Anyway, this particular trip to the emergency room, an x-ray was performed. It indeed showed a blockage in his anus. He had placed three asthma inhaler cartridges (the metal piece) inside. The Doctor questioned him about this and we got the story mentioned above. The Doctor was interested in one detail in particular, we couldn't figure out why the first two were inserted upright, while the third say sideways...??? The inmate stated casually that "When I put all three up there they kept falling out, so I had to turn one sideways to hold them in."
That is one of my tamest stories. I do believe I've just about seen it all. It's amazing what the body can put up with. It's more fascinating what people will do with their bodies.
More later; better go do some work.
As a little note - the spell checker doesn't recognize rectal. It wants to change it to recital. How odd....
Saturday, April 02, 2005
This is the worst day of the year! I hate turning back the clock, and I forgot about it. I'm going to be sooo messed up at work tomorrow. Oh well, what can you do?
A brief moment of incoherence/delusions of grandeur to follow:
As an aside; since no one wants to give away a Harley (an Indian, Norton, or any such bike would do) I'm also willing to take donations. Just e-mail me, I'll gladly take all donations as I'm not choosy. (I'm sure to be the next MILLIONAIRE with this gimmick - HA HA HA.)
Lighten up everyone, have fun, and be good to one another.
A brief moment of incoherence/delusions of grandeur to follow:
As an aside; since no one wants to give away a Harley (an Indian, Norton, or any such bike would do) I'm also willing to take donations. Just e-mail me, I'll gladly take all donations as I'm not choosy. (I'm sure to be the next MILLIONAIRE with this gimmick - HA HA HA.)
Lighten up everyone, have fun, and be good to one another.
Back at it.
Well, I've been home with the kids and I have once again fallen into the trap of video games. That is mainly why I haven't been able to post a blog, I haven't been able to pull myself away from "The Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap". I have played every Zelda game put out by Nintendo. This one is actually pretty nice. I'm having a blast anyway.
Weekends are rather easy here. No one goes to see a doctor, or goes to therapy, and most don't get out of bed. From my standpoint there's not a lot of work to do. Now, it can get hairy but our census is low, due to the budget, so I refuse to complain. I do wish I had a job where I had weekends and holidays off. Maybe someday, or maybe not.
If I had that Harley I could ride my frustrations away. I guess I'll have to make due with this blog. Gotta get back to work. I'll try again later.
Weekends are rather easy here. No one goes to see a doctor, or goes to therapy, and most don't get out of bed. From my standpoint there's not a lot of work to do. Now, it can get hairy but our census is low, due to the budget, so I refuse to complain. I do wish I had a job where I had weekends and holidays off. Maybe someday, or maybe not.
If I had that Harley I could ride my frustrations away. I guess I'll have to make due with this blog. Gotta get back to work. I'll try again later.
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