Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy.

I haven't seen the computer for a while. I've had many things to do, just no time to do anything. With the upcoming yard sale (fundraiser), work (more at home than on the job), soccer (oldest child, not me), and running everywhere for/with my wife, I find it hard to find time to breathe. What happened to computers helping us by taking away menial tasks to free up our time? Where is my time? I guess some things just don't work the way they were imagined. Then again, few things do. Ask Einstein.

Thanks for the comments about a career change. They were very interesting and helpful. Many things to think about now. Mainly, what do I want to do? I know I need a career change, I just don't know where I want to take it. I have a wide range of interested so it's difficult to narrow them into a career. We shall see.

Not much going on at the moment. Just work and running everyone all over.

I get to leave work early today. I work 6 - 2:30 but, I have 2 hours of comp. time to use. I'll also take my lunch break in there so I'll leave at 12:00. I have some more running to do today, but I might get a chance to write.

Later days.

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