Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The man of oblivion.

Well, I guess I'll start by saying I was almost entirely invisible yesterday. I was given a task by my supervisor that kept me busy. So, Helga the Horrible was happy she didn't have to deal with/see me much and everyone else treated me like I was invisible. She was happily barking orders to her minions and they were nipping at her heels trying to please her. It's very funny how everyone treats her like their superior when she is our equal. That would be the main reason she despises me, I refuse to "bow down" to her and follow her demands. If she asks me to do something or for help I'm right there. I just refuse to be ordered to do something by my equal. If she had any authority it would definitely be different.

I believe another of my faults is that I'm a MAN. It seems like she tries to go out of her way to prove that she doesn't NEED a man to help her with the job. She has also stated as such many, many times. She dislikes at least two of the three other men that work directly with her, but they don't openly disagree/disobey her the way I do. I have told her on more then one occasion that she is not in charge and if she wants something from me to ask for it, and until that happens it won't get done by me. I can't help it, it's just the way I'm wired. If I have a problem with someone or disagree with someone I go to them and tell them about it. If I am going to say something about someone I will go to them and tell them what it was, trying to do it before it gets to them from someone else. I try to be open and honest, I'm just blunt. I tend to say what I think without holding any punches. Some people don't like that. She will complain to everyone about me, but me.

I never thought that working with women would be so........Different.? I'm beginning to believe that most women are either bipolar or have a split personality. It's self evident that I get treated differently by almost everyone when Helga is working. I feel like I'm back in grade school. When they're with Helga they kiss up to her and tell her that she's right. But, when they come over to me they're all for me. They'll say things like, "I can't believe that she hates you so much." or something to that effect. Now it's known that she hates to work with me so they'll do what they can to keep us on separate ends of the hall. It makes things easier for the rest of the staff, she doesn't complain to them or end up in a bad mood.

And here I thought my childhood was over! Some never make it out of kindergarten.

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