Saturday, April 02, 2005


This is the worst day of the year! I hate turning back the clock, and I forgot about it. I'm going to be sooo messed up at work tomorrow. Oh well, what can you do?

A brief moment of incoherence/delusions of grandeur to follow:

As an aside; since no one wants to give away a Harley (an Indian, Norton, or any such bike would do) I'm also willing to take donations. Just e-mail me, I'll gladly take all donations as I'm not choosy. (I'm sure to be the next MILLIONAIRE with this gimmick - HA HA HA.)

Lighten up everyone, have fun, and be good to one another.


Dennis said...

After you mentioned the clock thing I looked... I forgot too. Oh well. I guess I'll go about changing them later.

Harley, Indian and Norton... wow... fantastic bikes. Good luck!

Harleydreamer said...

I promise to share if I do get a reply to my plea's for a "free" motorcycle. A cross country trip would be perfect.