I think I need to find a new career. I was thinking of becoming a "Crime Fighter", but I wouldn't look good in tights (also why I ruled out Pro Wrestler). There isn't much money in it either, it seems you must be wealthy to begin with (think of Batman). I don't know what path to travel down at this point in my life. It seems I can't afford to go back to college and bring up a family. Maybe I should look into online schools. I'm just running some ideas through my mind. It seems to help if I verbalize them. So if I get a little goofy, it's just me dealing with the voices in my head.
I don't know if I want to further my Nursing and become an RN or just go in a completely different route. Maybe a stunt car driver (my wife tells me I drive fast and crazy enough). I just can't see me wiping butt until I'm SEVENTY. I got into Nursing because it was paid for, I couldn't commute to Pittsburgh, and it took longer to go through Mortician school than I could give up. I'd still like to become a Mortician, it's just that time/travel thing.
I guess I'll have to think on it. I also love working on computers and electrical wiring. Anyone with ideas/advice - type away.
Monday, April 18, 2005
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Well, Harley, I'm a single mom to one child and a full-time college student plus full-time employee. It's not easy but it'll be fine. Some sacrifices are worth making in order to make my dreams come true while still maintaining a relatively healthy home life. :) If you want to go back to school, I say do it! You've only got one life to life so you might as well make the most of it, dont ya think?
Hey Harley! How's things? I've been busy and haven't had an opportunity to drop by your blog for a week or so.
Ditto on what "Serenitysprings" says. I remember when I first started my "non-military" career. I started out as a real newby, eyes wide open, struggling to make it past a probation period. After a couple of years I reviewed my life goals to see if I was truly on the path I wanted to be on regarding "work". After deciding I wouldn't get rich doing what I was doing but realizing I enjoyed doing what I was doing I decided to go to college, get my degree and press on. I was married at the time (still am, to the same lovely lady... but you know that), had two young children and worked graveyard shift (midnight to eight a.m.). J adjusted her schedule to where she would work from 3-9 p.m. so she could watch the kids while I went to school. It was tough at first... getting off shift, going to school, coming home and watching the kids until J got home from her job. I survived on about 4-6 hours of sleep, five days a week for 3 years... I didn't take any summer breaks from my studies. In the end it was worth it! I got my degree, the kids grew up seemingly unaffected by my quirks and J and I are still very much married and very much in love with one another.
The bottom line I guess is that there's times in one's life where you absolutely have to take a step back from everything, look it all over and decide if that's what you really want to do. If so, go full gusto into it if not, make plans to alter your course and set out to alter it.
Either way, good luck and keep on posting. Take care.
Any Harley donators yet?
serenitysprings and d.h., thanks for the insightful comments, it leaves me with much to ponder.
No donations as of yet. I'll continue to be hopefull, after all it is the internet. Stranger things have happened.
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