Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Another Day In La La Land.

I hope this works as we are having computer problems. We have that a lot. Our IT department is made mostly of folks who know a small amount about computers that happened to take the position. They're learning as they go. Sadly enough, the people I work with come to me with computer questions because I know more about them then the IT department. I hope to work my way into an IT position here some day, just to make it better.

I feel good today. Yesterday I got a wall framed in. Hopefully I'll put the studs in place tonight. Then tomorrow I'll cut the plywood and cover the wall. I'm building two new walls to make new/more rooms. One will be a small nursery/bedroom for our newest addition. The other will be in the bathroom. I"m making a walk in closet/changing room to replace the "closet" we're giving up to make the nursery/bedroom. The house doesn't actually have any closets, just open space that was turned into closet/storage space. This will change the layout of the house slightly, but it will be more useful for us. Now it's just getting the work done. Then hopefully I'll be able to get the porch torn off and replaced on my "vacation".

My oldest seems to enjoy learning how to build things too. Thinks it's amazing how you can take a chisel and a hammer and make a notch in one piece of wood to fit another into it. Maybe someday they'll get to see a carpenter do a "professional" job. Until then they're stuck watching me fumble my way through it.

We'll see how it goes.

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