Monday, May 02, 2005

Life in a small town.

This is a very depressed area that I live in. Since the railroad and coal mines took a turn for the worse, and the factories have started to close, unemployment has been up. The local media claims it's steadily going down, but that's due to everyone moving to better places. A local business man decided it would be a good idea to make/open a new strip mall. It would bring "needed" jobs and commerce. That was about three years ago. As I sit here I can look across and see the progress they're making. One building is finished, nothing else. They made to State give them a grant for the money to build a four lane highway that would go through it. It's only sitting feet from our main State highway. And recently it was announced that he's looking to sell the "project", but claims it's not about money.

Just for background information:
We had two malls in the area but was has closed and a medical center bought it and took over. The other mall is within walking distance of the ground for the new one, and they can't fill all of the store fronts. From our hospital windows we've seen them move dirt from one area to another for the past several years (while constructing one building with no access). And the date keeps getting pushed back for the "Grand Opening". Several companies have promised to open stores in the new mall, only to back out after their proposed building date was pushed back by more than a year. Several millions of dollars have already been wasted on the project without any signs of completion in the near future.

It amazes me how our local government can stand on their soap boxes and report about the jobs and revenue that this new mall will bring. Am I wrong in thinking that we should be insulted by the fact that people will lose a factory or railroad job (that many have worked at for ten or more years) making twelve or so dollars an hour so that they can work in a mall for minimum wage and are expected to be grateful to the local officials for providing the work?

We also have bicycle races in the area that started about ten years ago. It's called "Tour DeToona". People from all over the world come to participate and compete in a "Tour DeFrance" style race. Again, local officials claimed that it would bring money into the local economy which would be seen and felt by everyone. So far we've seen a few more hotels/motels than we did before. We have more restaurants per square mile then anywhere else I've seen (you could drive to approximately 12 or more in less than 10 minutes). We've had four grocery stores (that I can think of) close to be taken over by resale stores (selling refurbished electronics or bought-out clothing/supplies like Big Lots).

Now for the thing that has me most baffled: I've worked for the Welfare Dept. and a Drug Rehabilitation facility and I know how many people are on public assistance, social security, and social security disability (boy is that a while other story). I see more new vehicles, SUVs, ATVs, water crafts, and such than I've ever seen in this area before. It's not just me seeing this either. A guy I work with lives in an even more depressed area and has noticed the same thing. There are at least five Hummers in the area, mostly owned by the Sheets family (owners of a gas station/convenience store chain - 7 eleven competitors). Everyone seems to be spending money like it grows on trees, but there are few good paying jobs in the area. Business' come and go on seemingly a daily basis.

I'm not one for "keeping up with the Jones", but I can't help but feel I'm doing something wrong. I can't afford to pay attention let alone have two vehicles; and SUVs at that. It's very frustrating seeing all that money being wasted in the guise of a better tomorrow while I'm struggling to make ends meet today. Now don't get me wrong. I feel I have a pretty good life; although my wife would argue with me about that. Yes, we need a bigger or at least better house (ours is honestly horrible), but we have one, and we're getting by. I know there is always someone out there struggling with much more serious problems than I could ever imagine or want. But to throw that much money away when so many people could benefit from more important projects seems a tragedy and a sin. Sadly enough, since I work for the Federal Government I see it happening all around me. This country has billions of dollars to throw away, but we can't take care of our children or elderly. I should get into politics, but I can't afford to - HA! That's alright, I'm too honest and speak my mind to freely to ever make it in politics.

Well, I really got on a roll with that one. I started typing at 11:31 and it's now 2:40 (I worked in between - I usually only type on my breaks/lunch). Now I guess everyone can see what I mean about my mind running with a topic. I could probably write several pages just on this subject. This is why I put it here instead of telling it to someone for hours. I can get it off my chest in a Cliff Notes version. And if no one wants to "hear" it, it's still very therapeutic to me.

That's enough for now. I feel my blood pressure dropping by the minute. Thanks for your time if you actually read through this mess.

Here's to better times.

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