Monday, May 16, 2005

Holy megatroids.

Had a good weekend as I went to the movies, twice. I made it quite clear to everyone that since I had this weekend off, I was going to see "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy". I went on Sunday to see that. If you don't like English comedy, don't know much about THHGTTG, or find it hard to follow a movie, or just don't like, the narrator explaining things to you, then you probably won't like this movie. It's an intellectually funny movie. Again, if your not into higher thinking humor, don't bother. Several people got up and left part way through the movie. We (see below) liked the movie just fine. It could have been better, but it would have needed to be like "The Lord of The Rings" trilogy.

I read all four books in the series in high school and became a big fan of Douglas Adams'. I've read everything of his that I could get my hands on. Now, my oldest liked the movie (the two of us went to see it) and is interested in the books. I just found out that there was a BBC TV series on THHGTTG and I'd love to see it. If anyone has information on it please send me an email, it's available in my profile. I would also like to find a working (on Windows)copy of the games. The last time I played THHGTTG it was on my Commodore 64. I had a blast playing it. The version I played was like Zork. It was all text and no graphics.

My wife decided on Saturday that we would go with her brother and mother to the drive in to see "XXX - The State of The Union" and "Hitch". XXX was alright, it just didn't have a believable plot, many obviously fake stunts, and everything just seemed cheesy. The plot was the worst part about it. They could have easily made a better story line without much effort. Hitch was cute. It was the old boy meets girl and messes things up, but gets the girl back type of film. I like Will Smith and his acting career. He's a decent enough actor, and has picked good roles to play.

Now, I love movies, and I really enjoy a Drive in. But I would love to open a theatre and bring back some of the old classics with all the tricks and gadgets. The movie that pops into mind first is "The Tingler". They would place a small pad under a few seats that would send a harmless mild electric shock into the person/s sitting on it. It was a gimmick that scared the daylights out of people. There was also "Smell-O-Vision" that turned into "Odorama". I'd also like to bring back the 3D experience of old and all sorts of things like that.

I love B movies, and know that there is a following out there. The knew king of B films is Bruce Campbell. I would have everything he did or does shown in my theatre. And I would want a theatre like the old style. A movie house with a great front that draws you into it. Or, one that looks abandoned and a ramshackle, at least for horror films. I love the old horror films that scared the crap out of you instead of the newer films that spray blood and gore all over the place and have naked or half-naked college girls running in fear of nothing. You shouldn't need to include nudity to bring in hormonal teenage boys to make money. Give me a psychological, scare you until you mess your pants movie any day.

Well, back to work. I'm sure to talk more of Bruce Campbell later.

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