Thursday, May 19, 2005

I should be in...Well, anywhere but here.

Today the so called "recreation dept." had their brunch. Since I'm pushing the medication cart, I got to chase everyone down to make sure they got their meds. It's just a pain in the but.

My mother-in-law appears to be doing well. She's suppose to be on a low fat, low cholesterol diet, but that will never happen. She was to change the bandages every day but has yet to change them. She stated that she's not to get the wound wet and she doesn't have the same type of dressing. I'll have to look to see if I can find some. My wife gave her hell and the lecture about infections.

Tomorrow is my day off. If I don't stop after work tonight I'll stop tomorrow to see about a new cell phone for my oldest. I'd like to get a picture phone so that when it's used, it can be sent to a moblog. I think it would be cool to see the trip from France through Italy, ending in Malta, through my child's eyes. Especially if I set it up to post when the picture is taken. I'd have to link the site on here to share with everyone. I can't wait! I think that would be the best birthday gift anyone could give me.

Just for background: My oldest child was accepted into the People to People Student Ambassabor Program. There program is The Heart of The Mediterranean. If anyone would like to donate, the button is at the top of the blog. I'll send you a copy of all the photos taken if you make a donation. If you know of something else I could repay your generosity with let me know (I have about 500lbs of chocolate bars :~} ). We have been doing fundraisers for months now. It only seems like forever. It's tough collecting that much money for one child, but I'd do it all over again if I was asked. It will be a once in a lifetime trip.

I need to do more then just hyperlink. I'm going to pull out the old HTTP language books out and brush up on it. You may see some things that just don't look right in the next few days. If so, let me know so I can change it and make it right. I'll thank everyone ahead of time - THANK YOU. I'm sure to make mistakes, as I'm only human. But I hope to reformat my entire site. I'm always tearing things apart to see how they work and to find out what I can change them into. Now we'll see how badly I can screw things up.

Enjoy the weekend everyone. I'll be sure to write as I'm working.

OH YEA. I almost forgot. In commemoration of the release today:

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