Thursday, May 26, 2005

The crater of no return.

Today my oldest will be on a field trip. Their going to the Capital. They should have a good time. The only problem is, I've been awake since four A.M. I didn't sleep well and I'm tired. I'm sure to be grouchy today.

I don't know if anyone else had any problems, but I couldn't do anything with my blog on Tuesday. Yesterday I didn't get much chance to do anything at home, let alone on the computer. It was either my server or theirs that was down. At least I can do something today.

The trip to Philadelphia looks like it's going to be a trip to Pittsburgh instead. That part will be much nicer, shorter trip. I didn't know if there was going to be a stop there or not. They originally had Pittsburgh posted on their website, but took it down; it's now back up. The only problem I have is one of the guy's girlfriend has invited herself along. And to top it off, she just recently "got into" Bruce Campbell. Eric said that they have a "B" movie night. When they showed BC, she bad mouthed the entire thing. We were looking at more of a guy road trip, but we'll see. I just don't know how this is going to go. I will be renting a van for our trip. I found a deal on one for thirty dollars a day with 150 miles/day.

I've been reading the book I got, "If Chins Could Kill". It's very fascinating how he grew up and fell into the group of people that he did. I'm also learning a great deal about what it takes to make a "B" movie. It makes you want to go out and start filming everything and anything. But then again, I've always wanted to do horror make-up. I think it's interesting how you can take latex, shape it in a certain way, and it's looks life-like on film. I've even experimented with it a little. It's just not financially feasible to play with it at this point. Maybe when I win the lottery I'll be able to play with it more; even though I don't play the lottery.

As I've said in the past, our census is very low at the moment. People are starting to worry about losing their jobs. It wasn't all that long ago that they tried to close one of the floors in the Hospital. The community fought, so they kept it open. Now the entire Hospital is worrying about having a job. The census is low in every area. If something doesn't change soon, I'm sure they're going to have to "down size" staff. It just isn't plausible to keep paying all this staff to care for a handful of veterans. I guess we will see what the Federal Government has in store for us.

I was trying to change the entire layout of my site when the server went wonky. I have a great code for the overall blog. I just need to find the right picture to place on the side so the writing will be able to be read. I tried a picture of a castle in Germany that my cousin sent to me, but it didn't work. You couldn't make out any of the words as they scrolled across. I'll keep plugging in new pictures until I find one that works. Then I'll have a completely different look to my site. I think this one looks generic. Well, duh. Maybe because it is a generic site, chosen from many other generic sites that were available, free, when I first started. Not that they are a bad thing, it's just time to move on. Time to quit looking at the world through the window and get out and be part of it. Make my own little niche in society. Well, more like a splinter that you never even noticed.

I might try my hand at a few make-up techniques in preparation for Halloween. If anything works out, I'll post some photo's. Of course you won't be able to actually see me for what I look like, but hopefully the effects will be the same. If I go really big and disguise myself enough to change my appearance I'll post them. It's that whole paranoia thing again.

It's early and I won't be doing much so I'll probably post again today.

Til then.


Dennis said...

Hi Harley,

Just dropping in to let you know I'm still out here. The weather's warming up and ground fuels are drying out rapidly here so things have been a bit hectic... as I can see your days have been too.

Keep tinkering with the html, etc. it's fun and can be challenging. Also, nice touch on the scroll bar below... and the quote, I can certainly identify with it!


HypnoKitten said...

Back on the sidebar of Mediblogopathy I have a link to the website I found my layout on (I don't have the name handy right now) I just replaced his pictures with my own and worked it until I had something I liked. I relly liked the one he has with the static background picture. You could even pick an old harley pic and use that. You might want to check it out, because he has a lot more choices, and they all seem to work with Blogger. -HK

HypnoKitten said...

Um, that would be REALLY, not relly! (looks around for spellcheck...duh)