Monday, June 27, 2005
It's Still In The Works.
Just a little update with what's going on.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
The Event.
I also wanted to say that I'll be creating a moblog for my eldest child's trip to Europe. That way anyone interested, can see where the group is/has been as the pictures are posted as soon as they're sent. Once I have it set up and started I'll post the link. The journey begins July ninth.
Till then and goodnight,
Best. (I have to admit - I stole this from Mr. Campbell. I thought it to be cool.)
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Tomorrow is the day I meet:
How great is that?
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Baby, You Got Real Ugly.
I have a rental van waiting to be picked up on Wednesday. I have the tickets for the book signing and the tickets for the preview are paid for, just waiting for the event. I think I have everything ready. Now it's just a matter of waiting for Thursday.
I wonder if we will be waiting in line outside the theater until 6:00 or what. We will probably get there around 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning. If we do have to wait in line, we'll probably take just take turns. I'm thinking about that because I don't know if I should pack a lunch or plan on buying one. I'm also curious as to how it's going to work. If we wait all day and it goes in a different order I'll be ticked off. I know with the preview, the earlier you get there and pick up your tickets, the better seat you can get. You pick out the seat in the theater when you get your tickets.
I probably won't be talking about much more then the events until they're over.
OH, I will mention that we got a Motorola v551 and Sony Ericsson z500a phones. If anyone has any tips, tricks, or download sites for these phones please tell me. I'm always looking for new or free stuff for my phones.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
You Thought I Was Beautiful Once.
Another slow day at work. I have several movies to watch this week and can't wait to get home. I rented Evil Dead for my eldest to watch in anticipation of the Bruce Campbell event. I know I can't wait to watch it again as I absolutely love the movie. I think that will be what we watch after we get back from my parents house. It's good that I don't have to work tomorrow, I can stay up or sleep in, and watch movies while cleaning. What a day it's going to be. A father couldn't ask for much more then that. Except maybe a Harley, ha ha!
Well, best.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Frankly My Dear, You Don't Give A WHAT???
I just want to get everything done and over with so I can enjoy myself on Thursday. The 22nd is Bruce Campbells birthday. It's odd to think he'll be here, in the middle of a book signing, during his birthday. A celebrity has a poor, if any, home life. In my opinion, they pay a high price for the "fame & fortune" that comes with the job. I don't think I would be able to deal with all the things that they have to deal with on a daily basis. It's almost understandable why many celebrities have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol.
I'm still trying to find a Fathers day gift. It's difficult to find a gift for someone who has everything and is very particular about what they like. I can't get anything tool related as he complains about getting a gift that's for working. He doesn't have any hobbies except watching TV, and he doesn't need another one. He does like to go fishing, but he just bought himself a new fishing rod and reel. We bought him a tackle box last year so he doesn't need another one. We've been looking for shirts, but can't find anything that he would like. The search continues.
Friday, June 17, 2005
So Are The Days Of Our Lives.
Tonight I have to go to a Fathers day meal at my mothers church, she signed us up. I'm not sure what's going to happen. I know there will be a dinner, but what else is unknown to me. My eldest (who also attends this church periodically) will be happy to be doing anything with/for me for Fathers day. What we won't do for our children, including the unknown. It should be a hoot.
Well, back to work and reading my books (Bruce Campbell's of course). Best.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
As Sand Through The Hourglass,
The city said they were repaving our road today. My uncle bought two cars a few years ago. They have since broke down. My uncle lives next door to us and both cars are by our house. The one in question has a problem with the transmission (third gear is gone) and it just isn't worth fixing. The police said we had to move it because of the road work that was going to take place. We started it up and I drove it around to the back part of my uncle's driveway. The police made this huge to do about it when it was no problem what so ever. Everyone in the neighborhood was told they had to have their cars at least two feet off of the road. The road was going to be closed for the majority of the day to do the work. And of course, nothing was done. Not a single part of the road was touched.
Now, we live in an out of the way area and everyone but a few have a parking place that consists of some shale at the end of their yard or beside their house. That meant that everyone had to have their cars out of the area for the day. I don't know if the work has since been done as I'm at work at the moment (4-12). If not, tomorrow everyone will be expected to do the same thing. It's a little annoying having someone making you inconvenience yourself to do something, and then not do it. Especially after the commotion the police officer made over a simple moving of a car. It got to the point that my father told him he had to leave or call and get back up.
I'm glad my wife will be at work tomorrow, I'll be in Pittsburgh, and the children will be with my mother-in-law. We won't have to deal with the whole mess. If it doesn't get done, and correctly, I pity the workers. The neighbors will be all over them.
We have a gasoline company at one end of the main road and the big tanker trucks come through and just tear the road up. They rarely fix it, so if it's not done right, watch out! The only reason they're doing it to begin with is because the Tour De Toona will be on that road. We're now wondering if they're going to repave our road, a horseshoe off shoot of the main road, or not.
Since they started the Tour De Toona they fixed all the highways and the roads that the bicyclists ride on, but all the other roads have gone to pot. The downtown area is deplorable. They send the cyclists through the countryside to show them the "beauty" of Pennsylvania and make a few bucks. The people that live there have to do without the roads, as they are closed for the race, and can't even get to their homes at times to appease the cyclists. They also close sections of the highway down to do time trials. The entire deal is horrible.
There was a problem a few years ago where an elderly man was trying to drive to his house a few yards from a road block during a race. He was stopped be the police officer who was guarding the area and told to turn around. The officer got upset because he had to tell the guy several times due to him being hard of hearing. Then, when the gentleman pulled forward to turn around, because there was traffic behind him, the officer reached in the truck, turned the motor off, took his keys, and proceeded to physically drag the elderly man out of the car. The temperature was in the 90's and the officer made him kneel on the side of the road, handcuffed, for over an hour. When he was released, his family took him to the hospital where he was given intravenous fluids because he was dehydrated. The police station was befuddled as to why they were being sued. I don't know if it's just this area or not, but something is wrong somewhere.
Just to let you know, my family has lived here for years and we know all the local police; most of whom are related. It's not the highest class of neighborhoods. At one time the police wouldn't come into the neighborhood after dark, for any reason. The officer giving us a hard time was trying to show how tough he was and throw his weight around, but it didn't take him very long to get in the car and leave.
My family also has a not so friendly past with the local police, and everyone knows it. My one uncle has been in jail more years then I've been alive, or somewhere close to it anyway, so there has never been a love connection with them and my family. It's funny to think that I started my nursing career in the prison system (my uncle was doing time in the same prison when and where I started my job). I'll bet that's why I got along with the inmates as well as I did. At the county prison I started at, I personally knew at least a third of the population at one time (not relatives but friends).
Isn't it funny how life twists and turns and takes you in directions you never even thought you would venture? Well, I guess I've ranted enough for tonight. It's been a little while since I've felt the need to do it. So, that being done:
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
The Wheels Of Change Are Turning.
It's not getting any better, resident wise, here. We still only have a census of fourteen residents. People are getting very worried about having a job. As I've said before, we'll see what happens. I try not to worry about it. Come what may.
I mentioned before about XM radio. They have some VERY brutal talk radio station. Opie and Anthony hold nothing back. The tear down everyone, equally, without regard. You can not listen to them if you have any reserve; or qualms for that matter. And if you can't find music you like, you shouldn't be listening to the radio. Buy a CD player and some CD's instead.
I think I've spewed enough bile for a today. Best.
Monday, June 13, 2005
I Know Who You Are, And I Saw What You Did.
Now that the weekend is over, and the work day has begun, it's time to return to reality. And I've realized, I like the reality in my mind much better. The people are nicer and everyone knows me. I joke about insanity, but I'm just embracing my future. I see too many people with dementia, and I see what it brings.
It looks as though we will be getting new cell phones. We were with AT&T, but they sold out to Cingular. So, if we want to get an international cell phone for the trip to Europe, we have to get all new phones. I think it will be cheaper anyway. The month of July will be a little more expensive with the roaming charges and all. Now to figure out who wants what kind of phone and how many we'll be getting. After the initial charges it won't be so bad. It's just that first chunk of cash they take from you.
It's count down time. The family's getting antsy over the trip to Europe. It seems everyone is starting to feel the crunch. All but the one who is going; doesn't seem to be phased a bit. I think my mother and wife are going to freak out until the trip is over and everyone returns home. I don't think the two of them will sleep a wink the entire twenty days. We now have an entire itinerary for the trip. It tells what will happen everyday, and even where they will be staying. And there's also a website where you can track the plane flight. It tells where the plane is in the air.
We went to an Altoona Curve game on Saturday with the People to People Student Ambassabor program. It wasn't a bad day. It was just hot and long (double header) with little shade. It wasn't over until some time around eleven. They had a power shortage that prolonged the wait between games. I did get to hang out with "Jake" of The Blues Brothers Act which was cool. Overall, it was a good time. I usually don't care to go to the games because the people in this area are rude, obnoxious, and have a "better then thou" attitude.
I just found out about XM radio, the satellite radio station. They have some really nice commercial free stations. That's all I listened to this weekend. There is anything you could be interested in radio wise. Everything from Alternative to Talk radio.
Looks like it's time to get back to work. Best.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Horror Films Rule!
I was told I made Eric's day. I happened to get a second copy of The Man With The Screaming Brain. I gave one to my wife to give to him today and he was apparently very pleased. She said he and another guy in the office were looking at it earlier. I'm glad. Eric's already had a horrible year. I really hope he can go to the book signing. If he can't, I'm going to see if I can get another book signed for him. If it comes down to it, I'll give him the one I get signed. I bought a signed copy of If Chin Could Kill on so it's not that big of a deal. I'll at least get to see Bruce Campbell and be there when he autographs the book. Eric might have to miss the whole thing, including the preview of The Man With The Screaming Brain movie. I'm ordering both of us a book either way.
Well, time to go home. I'm off the weekend! So, I probably won't write anything.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
There's Someone In The House With You.
Not much to say today. Might write tonight from home.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Don't Touch That, You Don't Know Where It's Been.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Are You Alone?
Now that that's off my chest, I don't know if I'll have much more time to write today. I was scheduled to go to a class today and I didn't know about it. I'll try to let you know how it goes. It's about "Charting" of all things.
The class was rather interesting. It discussed all the new topics on charting.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Don't Look Behind You.
I'm also ordering the new hard back book Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way. I'll have it to read before I take it to the book signing. I'm hoping all goes well with our crew. I'm still waiting for Eric's heads up on what date he'll be able to make it. Until then I'll just keep making the plans I can.
Eric's making plans for this years Halloween party. The theme this year is going to be "Super Heroes". He's asked me to be a villain greeting guests as "brainiac". It works out as I'm the only one that's bald. Paint my head green, add some little lights, and a villain is made. Shouldn't be too much trouble. I'm just trying to figure out how to make the blinking lights. Thinking of LEDs, but now I have to think of how to do the wiring.
It's always a good time at his Halloween party. Last time about eighty people showed up. More and more come each year. This may be the last year (according to Eric) as it's getting a little out of hand. We shall see though, because him and his girlfriend have a blast doing it and go all out. Maybe I'll take over if he gives up? Yea, right.
I made two different soaps yesterday. One for laundry, which I think turned out pretty well. I won't know for sure until it cures and I try it. The other is a mild body soap that I added coco butter to. That one I'm not so sure about. I have to unmold and cut it to see how it turned out. I didn't have time to do it yesterday. I used a new lye in it. It did some funky things when I mixed the lye and the oils together. I'm not sure if the lye wasn't pure or what. I hope it was just that I had everything at a higher temperature than I should have. I'll have to ask my mailing list if this has happened to any of them before. I'm new to homemade soapmaking, but it's fun. As both of my children have eczema, it will be better for their skin as well.
I might be back later, I'm going to do some (internet) surfing right now though (still at work). Best.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
In the MOOD?
Yes, there is a place for blood. Halloween is a prime example: little bit of blood and gore but big scare impact. I'm also not one for gratuitous nudity. I like taking my children to see a movie that will scare them without having to worry about someone having sex every fifteen minutes or so. Everyone (I think) enjoys a good scare every now and then, even kids. I can remember, as a child, seeing Jaws and being scared silly (I can still walk on water if something touches me in the ocean). And of course I love the humorous horror flicks, be it gore, psycho or a mix. As if you couldn't guess, The Evil Dead is one of my favorites. It's got lots of gore, is hilarious, and still has that spine tingling, jump out of your seat fear factor. It wasn't the type that tried to scare or shock you with realistic blood and gore. It was just a fun, as well as funny, horror film. And it was done by relatively amateur film makers. It was the first time they made a full length, feature film. Everything they did before that was on 8mm.
So, what are your thoughts on horror flicks? Let me know what kind you like, if you like them, and what your favorite films are. I'm very curious. And you might introduce me to a movie I haven't seen yet (I live for "B" films). I'm also going to try to start this topic on my TagBoard so that it will continue even after the post is gone.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Only a Dead Man Tells No Lies.
In other news, my nemesis is going away for a while. She'll be transferring to the clinics on a temporary basis. Almost everyone is excited about the prospects of a break from her. It's not that she's a bad person, she's just very bossy and demanding. As I've said in earlier posts, it would be different if she were in a higher position. But she's an LPN just like the rest of us. I think it's her military history coming out. Personally she's a decent person, it just gets difficult to work with her at times.
I guess it's time to go, again. Later days.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Another month to go.
Last night went well with the Graduation. They made a "limousine" that the kids came through as they were announced. It was really cool. They even had a "Prom" for them.
I'm going to have to run away. It's time to get back to work. Later.