Sunday, June 19, 2005

You Thought I Was Beautiful Once.

Our cell phone debate was easily nullified after I caught up with my family as they were shopping. I decided to get the phones no matter what anyone else thought. I didn't ask for anyone's advice except that of my wife. Now everyone will have a cell phone, if they don't like it they can return it within thirty days and get one that they like. I'm going to program everything into their phones tonight. They are fairly simple picture phones that were on sale. I will have a better model after the European trip is over. The better phone is going overseas. It's the only one that has international capabilities, not that I'll ever use them. Now we have to get all the accessories to go with the phones. What a pain in the butt!

Another slow day at work. I have several movies to watch this week and can't wait to get home. I rented Evil Dead for my eldest to watch in anticipation of the Bruce Campbell event. I know I can't wait to watch it again as I absolutely love the movie. I think that will be what we watch after we get back from my parents house. It's good that I don't have to work tomorrow, I can stay up or sleep in, and watch movies while cleaning. What a day it's going to be. A father couldn't ask for much more then that. Except maybe a Harley, ha ha!

Well, best.

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