Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Baby, You Got Real Ugly.

And now the countdown begins. It is mere days before Bruce Campbell will be in Pittsburgh, and I'll be there to see him. I can't wait to see what his new movie is going to be like. We will be watching Evil Dead tonight, or at least we better be. I've been waiting to see it.

I have a rental van waiting to be picked up on Wednesday. I have the tickets for the book signing and the tickets for the preview are paid for, just waiting for the event. I think I have everything ready. Now it's just a matter of waiting for Thursday.

I wonder if we will be waiting in line outside the theater until 6:00 or what. We will probably get there around 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning. If we do have to wait in line, we'll probably take just take turns. I'm thinking about that because I don't know if I should pack a lunch or plan on buying one. I'm also curious as to how it's going to work. If we wait all day and it goes in a different order I'll be ticked off. I know with the preview, the earlier you get there and pick up your tickets, the better seat you can get. You pick out the seat in the theater when you get your tickets.

I probably won't be talking about much more then the events until they're over.

OH, I will mention that we got a Motorola v551 and Sony Ericsson z500a phones. If anyone has any tips, tricks, or download sites for these phones please tell me. I'm always looking for new or free stuff for my phones.


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