Sunday, June 05, 2005

Don't Look Behind You.

I just found out, after looking for days, that I can get a "Pay As You Go" phone for my eldest child to take to Europe with him. I'll take some money out of what we've raised so far and get him a phone. After the trip is over I think I can (I'll find out for sure before getting it) ad it to our current cell phone plan. That way it will only be twenty dollars for an extra cell phone. Not bad, then everyone will have their own.

I'm also ordering the new hard back book Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way. I'll have it to read before I take it to the book signing. I'm hoping all goes well with our crew. I'm still waiting for Eric's heads up on what date he'll be able to make it. Until then I'll just keep making the plans I can.

Eric's making plans for this years Halloween party. The theme this year is going to be "Super Heroes". He's asked me to be a villain greeting guests as "brainiac". It works out as I'm the only one that's bald. Paint my head green, add some little lights, and a villain is made. Shouldn't be too much trouble. I'm just trying to figure out how to make the blinking lights. Thinking of LEDs, but now I have to think of how to do the wiring.

It's always a good time at his Halloween party. Last time about eighty people showed up. More and more come each year. This may be the last year (according to Eric) as it's getting a little out of hand. We shall see though, because him and his girlfriend have a blast doing it and go all out. Maybe I'll take over if he gives up? Yea, right.

I made two different soaps yesterday. One for laundry, which I think turned out pretty well. I won't know for sure until it cures and I try it. The other is a mild body soap that I added coco butter to. That one I'm not so sure about. I have to unmold and cut it to see how it turned out. I didn't have time to do it yesterday. I used a new lye in it. It did some funky things when I mixed the lye and the oils together. I'm not sure if the lye wasn't pure or what. I hope it was just that I had everything at a higher temperature than I should have. I'll have to ask my mailing list if this has happened to any of them before. I'm new to homemade soapmaking, but it's fun. As both of my children have eczema, it will be better for their skin as well.

I might be back later, I'm going to do some (internet) surfing right now though (still at work). Best.

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