Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Don't Touch That, You Don't Know Where It's Been.

Money is an unusual substance. I'm trying to get things straight for the trip my child will be taking to Europe. Changing from US currency to euros is quite a pain in the butt. It looks as though we'll have to get a gift card to purchase things overseas. We wanted to get a Visa Buxx card but seeing as the child in question is twelve instead of thirteen, we can't get one. You have to be thirteen to use the Visa Buxx card. I have no idea what the difference would be. I still have to pay for any amount of money placed on the card. It's not a credit card, it's only used as one. The difference between the Visa Buxx card and a gift card is that you can get cash from an ATM with the Buxx card. You can only use the gift card for purchases. I think that's dumb. If I want to give my child money on a prepaid credit card type account, why would it matter if they were two or thirty? Why does everyone have to make everything so difficult? I guess the search continues.


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