Friday, June 17, 2005

So Are The Days Of Our Lives.

Yesterday I spent the day in Pittsburgh getting the tickets to see the premier of Bruce Campbell's new movie The Man With The Screaming Brain. I didn't mean to spend the day there, I just got there a little early. It's a little over a two hour drive from Altoona to Oakmont. I arrived in front of the Oaks Theater at 10:45. Since there was no information about it online, I had no idea when they opened. There were no times posted at the theater except the times for the movie The Goonies; which started at 2:00. There was a little paper in the window with the different movies and when they were showing. At the bottom was there number, so I called. I got a listing of movies and what dates they were showing and another phone number. I called the other number and found out that they open to sell tickets, everyday, one half hour before the showing. I had to wait until 1:00 when the employee showed up and sold me the tickets. So, in effect I left at about 8:30 and got home at 3:00, staying in the car the entire time except for maybe a half hour. It was a long day to say the least.

Tonight I have to go to a Fathers day meal at my mothers church, she signed us up. I'm not sure what's going to happen. I know there will be a dinner, but what else is unknown to me. My eldest (who also attends this church periodically) will be happy to be doing anything with/for me for Fathers day. What we won't do for our children, including the unknown. It should be a hoot.

Well, back to work and reading my books (Bruce Campbell's of course). Best.

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