Saturday, June 04, 2005

In the MOOD?

I've been "studying" horror films lately due to my getting excited over Bruce Campbell making two stops in my (somewhat) area during his book/movie tour. I've always loved horror/scary movies. And I think there are several categories they can be placed in. Two of the biggest, broadest categories would be psychological and gore. I like more the psychological horror flick. One that scares the crap out of you and makes you look around every corner after watching it. I'm not one for the gore type. One that has little story and relies on blood and gore everywhere.
Yes, there is a place for blood. Halloween is a prime example: little bit of blood and gore but big scare impact. I'm also not one for gratuitous nudity. I like taking my children to see a movie that will scare them without having to worry about someone having sex every fifteen minutes or so. Everyone (I think) enjoys a good scare every now and then, even kids. I can remember, as a child, seeing Jaws and being scared silly (I can still walk on water if something touches me in the ocean). And of course I love the humorous horror flicks, be it gore, psycho or a mix. As if you couldn't guess, The Evil Dead is one of my favorites. It's got lots of gore, is hilarious, and still has that spine tingling, jump out of your seat fear factor. It wasn't the type that tried to scare or shock you with realistic blood and gore. It was just a fun, as well as funny, horror film. And it was done by relatively amateur film makers. It was the first time they made a full length, feature film. Everything they did before that was on 8mm.

So, what are your thoughts on horror flicks? Let me know what kind you like, if you like them, and what your favorite films are. I'm very curious. And you might introduce me to a movie I haven't seen yet (I live for "B" films). I'm also going to try to start this topic on my TagBoard so that it will continue even after the post is gone.


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