Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Titles are for saps.
As you may have figured out by now, I ramble a little. I like to post my thoughts as they come to me. That's why sometimes I jump from subject to subject. It is also why my thoughts sometimes get cut off, as I place them at work or at home and need to do other things (like my job?). I try to do it that way so my raw feelings are transferred into my writing. If you write without feeling it shows.
I now have a counter, a google search, and google ads. If there's anything that someone uses on their blog, that's free, and I think is interesting I'll throw it on here. So, if anyone has any suggestions shout them out. I'm always willing to try new things, especially if I get to learn something in the process. Another reason for doing a blog: my typing skills suck!
Enough for now. Maybe more later.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Just a little note.
Hey, ya' never know, it could work! (I hope!!!)
Good night, I'll continue with my above dream in my dreams.
Greetings from forever and ever land.
We have a patient returning that has been coming here for years, although young, that seems to get on everyone's nerves. I don't have a problem with this one, others maybe, but not this patient. So everyone's up in arms complaining about the things they'll have to do/put up with. They make more problems then there has to be. It seems to me that this patient is lonely. Just wants extra attention, so it's difficult to get out of the room once you're there (very needy, understandably though). If you make conversation and do what the patient requests (and yes there are many) it doesn't take any more work than anyone else. It just takes time, which is more valuable here than anything else. I will gladly give up some of my time for any veteran (which is what I work with) as I myself am one (never saw action but served, for a little while) and hope to have the same courtesy afforded me.
We're up for review to receive a raise. I inadvertently upset my supervisor with some comments I made about it. She said she has a headache from working on my review. I told her not to put so much effort into it as I could care less (our head of house doesn't think LPN's should be classified as a grade 6 - equal to an RN, but resent changes are forcing that issue). She got upset and explained that our promotions directly reflect on her ability as a supervisor so if I didn't care it would make her look bad. I didn't think of it that way and told her so. I resigned by telling her I would gladly do anything SHE needed or wanted me to do but I didn't care what the executives thought. I wasn't kissing their butts or jumping through hoops to get a little bit more money. I respect her and will fight any battle beside her, I just don't like the higher ups (in nursing). They're lying, conniving, snakes; and that's giving snakes a bad name. O.K. it's really only the Director of Nursing. The Hospital director and the Assistant D.O.N. are also very nice people. She gives the whole crew a bad name. She's very unprofessional in every aspect of the idea.
I'll finish once again. I'm out.
Monday, March 28, 2005
One from home?
I ran around all day, again. Both children had a doctors appointment. They have psoriasis and we decided to go to a dermatologist. They were previously given Elidel but we can't allow that to be used due to the whole cancer deal. Surprisingly enough the doctor gave them allergy medication, each a different cream, and told us to use vaseline and Dove soap. We get the creams tomorrow since the pharmacy didn't have them and they had to ordered. We return in two weeks to see how it worked. My youngest was given Benadryl, so he's naturally unconscious. Maybe my wife will get some sleep tonight (she breast feeds so I'm no help there); he wakes up at least five or six time a night, I think because of the itching. I hope it works. We'll see.
Good night.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter.?
I hope everyone enjoys the day no matter what, it's another day to enjoy. It's a very gloomy day, rainy and dark. I can see a bit of fog on the mountainside, out of the window I'm sitting behind. Everyone will be eating their ham or turkey for dinner tonight. I had mine last night, leftovers tonight! (I love turkey)
It's amazing how protective people can become over a belief. Religious wars come to mind. I can't see killing/fighting with someone for not agreeing with what I believe. Everyone has their own background to sway the way they think. So who am I to say my thoughts are better than yours or yours are better than mine? Believe what you believe and let's enjoy our differences. That's what makes us unique.
Can you tell I've been looking into the perils of our world? Quote of the day; God created man, Colt made men equal, and nuclear weapons made men deadly.
It must be the time to talk religion, everyone is in the office talking religion. It's always funny how many arguments come from the talk of religion. It never ceases to amuse me at what lengths people will go to prove themselves right and everyone else wrong.
Enough for me.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
End of another workday
There's one person in particular that irritates me to no end. She loves to talk and act like she runs the place, telling everyone what they need to do and how it should be done. I'm a rebel at heart. I will go against any rule I think is worth it; I will fight any repression I can; it's just in my nature. Obviously she and I don't get along. And she is a back bitter. She can run her mouth any other time except when she has a problem with someone. Everyone here "bows down" to her and is afraid of her bossy, pushy ways. Well, I end up being like an old mule when she starts, I refuse to do anything she barks about. Again, she doesn't like it. Oil and water.
I'll talk more about this at another time, as my shift has ended.
See ya'
Weekend at work.
Well, I didn't get a chance to write yesterday. I just don't have enough time on my days off. I think I just spend more time on the computer at work. Right now we have a low census, so there's not a full floor of people to take care of. When we get a full floor I won't have as much time to spend on the computer. More time charting on patients then blogging. I guess I should get used to blogging at home in preparation for it.
Time to start the day. More later.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
A little late in the day.
I shall stop on that note as it's rather upbeat. I might write more later but right now duty calls. (I just hope it's not doodie calling.)
PS I hope t write tomorrow, but I won't be at work; so don't hold your breath. I know so many people just can't wait for my next post.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Back on first.
Talked to my supervisor about switching and she said it shouldn't be a problem. HOORAY.
Wife actually enjoyed her gifts yesterday. We ended up going out to dinner. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Tonight we'll be going out to dinner again. It will definitely be a good time, we're going to The Olive Garden. That's if we make it, it's snowing hard right now. My mother-in-law is insistent on taking us out though. I guess we'll see.
Back to the grind stone.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
A night out of my element.
Today is my wife's birthday. I have a surprise waiting for her as I won't be home when she wakes up. I also have an order for her favorite pastry which I have to get before she gets home. We're not doing anything big (she didn't want to do anything at all) because most of our money is going towards our son's trip to Europe. She's probably going to be mad and I'll hear about it for some time. Although she did say earlier about me going with her shopping so that I could get her gift because she figured I didn't get it yet. (I kept joking with her about whether or not she wanted her gift wrapped or not). I couldn't let her birthday go by without getting her something or doing something for her. That would just be wrong.
There's another funny thing about women:
One Christmas my wife decided we wouldn't get anything for each other, so I didn't. She did. I felt lower than a snake turd in a sinkhole. So, when she said we weren't getting each other anything for our anniversary last year I thought, "I have this covered!". I bought her roses. She bought me nothing. I was yelled at, called all sorts of foul names, and just belittled. I was forced to take her shopping so that she could get me something, all the while complaining that we were not supposed to buy each other anything. In the sink hole again. I've known for some time now that I'm not right, and I'll never be right, when it comes to my wife, but is there some way of knowing when to do what, just to keep out of trouble?
She'll get me back though. Our son will be in Europe for my birthday (he hasn't realized that yet) so we decided we wouldn't do anything until he returned home. She'll have time to think of something. She'll do something while he's away, then we'll have to do something when he gets home. Double whammy.
My father is still giving us grief about allowing our son to go to Europe. He's worried about terrorists and him getting lost or something. He keeps saying he's to young and he'll get home sick. He's insistent that something bad will happen. Yes, I'm worried about him but I couldn't take this opportunity away from him. He's just old enough to be considered for the trip and could be picked to go on another. We have family in Germany who are going to try to meet up with him in Italy. The chance to do all the things he'll do is incredible. I am very jealous. If he gets the chance to go on another trip, he could quite possibly see the world. They go almost everywhere. We're working hard to raise enough money for the trip, but I would and will do it all over if he has the chance to go on another trip. It will be a fantastic learning experience, and he gets college credit for completing all of the required tasks. We just can't get my father to see all the possibilities.
We think he was picked for the program due to his score on the PSSA. We don't know for sure because you could be referred by a teacher or former alumni, or it could be for academic achievement. We do know it's very hard to get in. It just amazes me that he gets this chance to see a completely different lifestyle. I'm more proud of him then words could describe.
I'm outta here.
Monday, March 21, 2005
A night at the ?.
I'm talking with my supervisor in the morning about switching off tours. Obviously it's third shift at the moment. My wife and I talked about it, and we think it would be better to change it to second shift. My days off won't be cut by trying to stay up all night so I can sleep all day. Also, I'd be home at night with my family. My wife just likes me to be asleep in bed with her at night.
I'm in a good mood and I'm going to try to keep it that way. I'm going to have plenty of time to write tonight, so I'll make sure to save this as a draft and update it as the night goes on.
More later.
0600 Mar. 21, 05
It seems everyone got over their complaints, and the night was rather quiet. A nurse in particular seems to have had a problem with me for a while now. Last night she hardly said much to me. It doesn't seem like much of a problem for me. I believe I know what she's upset about, something I didn't do, but I'll let her go on thinking that I did if it keeps her from talking. All she ever does is complain and bark orders. Who needs that from a co-worker; that's what management's for.
I'm selling chances for an Easter basket and a homemade blanket that turns into a pillow (and vice versa) that will be raffled on Wednesday. The Basket sold quite well, whom ever wins the blanket will be stealing it though. They're for my son's trip to Europe. My wife will be pulling the ticket at her workplace and she's also going to do a 50/50 chance. I would but being in nursing there won't be enough staff here at one time to do it. We have another basket that I made with homemade soap, bath oil, bath salts, and such, but we're not sure when we're going to start that one. We also have another blanket, it's a snowman. Again, we haven't set a date. We were thinking of auctioning something off on eBay, but we're not sure about that. We're still waiting on my wife's workplace to get back to us about whether or not they're going to sponsor him. The fundraising is going slow. I have to call today about the pizza cards we ordered and have yet to receive. I'm getting a little perturbed about that. I called them last week, I think, but got an answering machine. They haven't returned my call. If they don't get back to me I think I'll post their name on here so everyone will know not to do business with them. They will get a chance though. I'm very patient (at times) if nothing else.
So here's to another day of work down the tubes, and yet another day to follow it. I'll sleep the day away, only to return again tonight.
May we cross paths again.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Scoping other blogs
Don't expect to come here and be astounded by what you see, I'm not much of a writer. I'd love to be someone who could dazzle you with brilliance, but I'm more of the type to blind you with bull$*%@. Here you'll get plenty of opinions and griping, none of which amount to much.
Make sure you look around to see if anything sparks your interest. Everything is out there, be adventurous and never stop learning.
Venture onward!
Friday, March 18, 2005
Number three - HOLD ON FOLKS!
I received a comment about being angry and will admit to that. (As you can tell) I usually write from work, which is a very negative place for some reason. This is my way of speaking my mind (which runs from topic to topic) without getting into trouble with my boss (I do enough of that - Ha Ha), without hurting anyone's feelings, and without creating contempt between coworkers. Nursing can be a very stressful job at times. (Just working with mostly women can be trying - he says under his breath.) I've had many reasons to be "bitter" for lack of a better word. I realize that having worked in the prison system made me more cynical then I already was. I've seen so many people that didn't care about anyone but themselves. I have a very upbeat outlook on things in general (contrary to what my wife believes). I just don't have many outlets for frustration. This one really seems to work for me. I can say how I feel or what I think and if someone wants to say something they can, if not they move on, none the worse for wear.
I am ever the pessimist. I recall one of my nursing instructor telling us to optimistic, stating, "When I get a phone call at 2 am I wake up excited, expecting it to be someone telling me I won the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. Unlike most people thinking their child is in jail or in an accident". I raised my hand and said, "I grab the phone expecting someone or everyone that's meaningful to me to be dead. That way, when I do win a sweepstake, I'm that much more excited. And if someone is dead, I'm still prepared for the worst." I'm a survivalist and prepare for the world to end tomorrow, or to not wake up in the morning. And every day I wake up, with the world the same as ever, I thank god for another chance to correct the mistakes I've made in my past. I was a very horrible person early in my life, and every chance I have to make up for the things I've done, to help those I've hurt, is another reason to that God.
And on that uplifting note........
Good night all.
Two in one day, WOW!
The day wasn't that bad. It was still as I said, but around lunch time the others (an RN and an LPN) returned from a class to finish off the day on the floor.
The nurse beside me is trying to order tickets for the circus. It just kills me the price ticketmaster charges, per ticket, to order. And then to buy things for your kids at the circus you have to mortgage your house. Is it that everything is getting that expensive or are we just allowing people to make that much money for poor quality, over priced items? If we collectively said "we're not paying that much for a mediocre show and for crappy toys/food" do you think it would make a difference? Just my pondering. I think it's awful how the prices of things get outrageous and everyone just writes it off as "inflation". Those who get an inflation raise, myself included, don't get enough to cover inflation. It just doesn't make sense to me. The politicians keep saying they have no money for this and that, yet they wait until the wee hours of the morning to vote themselves a raise increase. Why don't they take a few of their wages to pay for Social Security or any of a number of problems in our society? They receive those wages for life, as well as the increases. I don't think we should have to pay anyone that much money for life, including the Presidents - they get Security as well. We waste so much money in this country yet poverty is rampant.
Better stop again before I can't get stopped. I guess I've learned that I ramble a bit.
The day after.
It's just as I thought, she's going around setting up everyone who can do for themselves. I'll be doing all of the total care patients. Looks like it's going to be one of those days. We seem to have many of "those days" here. I guess that's what you get for working for the government. They don't use their LPNs as they should (at least at this facility). We are only utilized as nurses aids. Then we are constantly told that we are not nurses. It drives us crazy that they will say "the nurses and LPNs are to......."
I'm done complaining about work for now. I'll write more later.
In a bit.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
I'm at work typing this entry in - again. Still thinking of my corned beef and cabbage in the slow cooker at home. I will have to stop and get some Killian's before I go home. I know everyone here got corned beef and cabbage for lunch, I don't think my "friends" at the prison faired as well. I'll bet it's a hotdog and sauerkraut type of day for them. I wonder how many inmates have access to a computer/the internet now a days? None of the prisons I've worked at had them, but I know of several that had them installed. It's amazing what those in prison are given. I'm sure to make several people upset. They need to see what goes on first hand to really appreciate that world though. It's just that from what I've seen, I think the prison/justice system in this country is very lacking - to be nice. There really is no punishment for crimes here. And then we fight with other countries for punishing U.S. citizens under their laws/rules. I think if you commit a crime in another country you should be accountable under their laws. You should have to take their punishment.
I'll stop on that note so I don't ramble on for days. I don't know how I got into that subject. Sometimes my mind just flows on it's own. I think the voices guide it at times, whispering things to change directions.
I'll do some work and maybe write more later. I'll also try again after work.
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Monday, March 14, 2005
Starting out to be a good day.
I'm thinking about what to have for dinner for some strange reason. Starting next month I'm getting my family started on a healthier lifestyle. We're not actually going to diet, but we're going to make healthier chooses and watch what we're eating. We're also going to start exercising. We all need to lose weight, and my son needs to get ready for his trip to Europe. He's going to be in big trouble if he doesn't get used to walking. I don't think he knows exactly what he's getting into. Either way, he's going to have a blast. I'm soooooo jealous! I think I'm going to keep him home and take his place.....
Gotta go.
Till next we speak again.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Return from dinner
To end: a good time was had by all...
Till next we meet...
Here we go.
Gotta go.
Till later.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Took a day off.
I'm under the impression that no one has even seen this blog. I can understand why, it's not very interesting. I could tell my stories about working in the prison system, but most of those are adult rated; very nasty stuff. Or I could just tell some of my "ordinary" nursing stories, but most people think that they are gross. Maybe normal people in a normal life are just boring. Although, I'm far from "normal" and I don't have a "normal" life. Perhaps I will start telling my more interesting tales when I actually get people to look at this site? If you've read this, drop me a comment with your thoughts and we'll see where it goes from there. It could also be that I haven't told anyone I know what I'm doing. I'm not sure I would want them looking in my head. Very scary place to be, and I would know.
Till later.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Bad Day
Above - written 3:15PM
I got home after writing the previous, took a sinus pill and still have the headache. I was going to make a small batch of soap or two but it doesn't seem like it. I'm probably just going to watch CSI and go to sleep. Here's hoping to waking up without a headache.
Night all.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Just another day
I don't understand why women will keep a grudge forever while continuing to "pretend" nothing is wrong. All the while everyone else hears how terrible he/she is. Most of the time it's over a misunderstanding anyway.
Enough of my venting for today. I just get tired of people playing the same games, every day like children. DONE.
I'm trying to get ideas for fundraiser for my son. He was picked to go to Europe through People to People Student ambassador program. I have a basket that was donated by my wife's co-worker for raffle; my mother crocheted a blanket for raffle; we've been selling candy; we're waiting for pizza discount cards to sell; we have bake sales planed; I'm making homemade soap to sell; and my wife's workplace may (they're considering the idea) sponsor him for an unknown amount. It just seems as though we can't get enough people to contribute. If anyone has any other ideas (that's assuming anyone has even glanced at this blog) please let me know. I think the problem is that we only have our work places involved. I don't know who else or how else to get others involved. Don't get me wrong, our work places are very involved. Everyone is very willing to contribute and help out. The problem is we need to raise a large sum of money for one person. I think if it were a group effort it wouldn't be so bad. Each child is responsible for raising their own funds. I'll thank anyone in advance for your ideas.
I'll finish my work day and maybe write more after.
Till then.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
My Very First Entry!
I'm currently at work and had some time on my hands while looking for soap recipes. Don't ask, I did it years ago and just got back into it, only heavier this time. (Bought equipment and everything.) I had the idea of blogging before and just never got around to it. While looking, it just caught my eye. I figured now was as good a time to start as any.
I'm not much for writing so I won't guess at how often I'll post. As mentioned in the title, I don't think many people will read it anyway. I'll try to post a reply to responses as they're posted.
I'll warn everyone now: I have a very dry, harsh, biting sense of humor so try not to take anything I say or post too serious. I'll try to remember to mention ahead of time if I'm upset and just ranting so it will be taken with a grain of salt. (Many times with tequila and lemon wedges to follow!)
I'm a Licensed Practical Nurse (YES - a straight male nurse, happily married with children) with the US Gov. So many of my ravings about work will be vague as I can not legally say much about my co-workers and nothing personal about any patient; although this is my biggest source of stress and displeasure with life. I'm sure if I continue with this blog you'll find out much more on that.
Unless I'm really drunk or someone puts one on here, you will not see a picture of me. I don't like them and they are very hard to come by (just ask my wife or co-workers). I'm not great with the rules of the English language or punctuation, and truly don't care. I write the way I think and talk, all else is irrelevant to me. I am grateful to see that there is a spell checker, that way I won't look like a total idiot!
That's a little bit about me. More than I thought I'd be writing. If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions feel free to ask. I won't guarantee an answer you want, but I will give a response. You can also tell me about yourself. All I ask is that the language be PG-13 as well as the topics. I'd like to allow my children to read this in the hopes of sparking an interest without censorship. People allowed to be themselves and are honest about it can be a genuinely interesting thing. You can learn more in a few minutes of anonymous chatter than you can in a lifetime of personal talks.
Until next time.