Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Greetings from forever and ever land.

I'll talk about the idiosyncrasies of the people around me. I love watching and listening to everyone around me.

We have a patient returning that has been coming here for years, although young, that seems to get on everyone's nerves. I don't have a problem with this one, others maybe, but not this patient. So everyone's up in arms complaining about the things they'll have to do/put up with. They make more problems then there has to be. It seems to me that this patient is lonely. Just wants extra attention, so it's difficult to get out of the room once you're there (very needy, understandably though). If you make conversation and do what the patient requests (and yes there are many) it doesn't take any more work than anyone else. It just takes time, which is more valuable here than anything else. I will gladly give up some of my time for any veteran (which is what I work with) as I myself am one (never saw action but served, for a little while) and hope to have the same courtesy afforded me.

We're up for review to receive a raise. I inadvertently upset my supervisor with some comments I made about it. She said she has a headache from working on my review. I told her not to put so much effort into it as I could care less (our head of house doesn't think LPN's should be classified as a grade 6 - equal to an RN, but resent changes are forcing that issue). She got upset and explained that our promotions directly reflect on her ability as a supervisor so if I didn't care it would make her look bad. I didn't think of it that way and told her so. I resigned by telling her I would gladly do anything SHE needed or wanted me to do but I didn't care what the executives thought. I wasn't kissing their butts or jumping through hoops to get a little bit more money. I respect her and will fight any battle beside her, I just don't like the higher ups (in nursing). They're lying, conniving, snakes; and that's giving snakes a bad name. O.K. it's really only the Director of Nursing. The Hospital director and the Assistant D.O.N. are also very nice people. She gives the whole crew a bad name. She's very unprofessional in every aspect of the idea.

I'll finish once again. I'm out.

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