Saturday, March 26, 2005

End of another workday

Getting ready to leave for home. I really can't wait anymore. I've only been here for two years but, I'm at the point with most of my coworkers that I don't care for them. I've always been sort of a loner and like to keep to myself, it's just that I hate playing the games that people play. I'm an "up front" type of guy. If I have a problem with you I'll tell you. That way we can either work it out or be resigned to disagree, no harm done. I hate people that feel they have to sneak behind my back and complain to everyone else.

There's one person in particular that irritates me to no end. She loves to talk and act like she runs the place, telling everyone what they need to do and how it should be done. I'm a rebel at heart. I will go against any rule I think is worth it; I will fight any repression I can; it's just in my nature. Obviously she and I don't get along. And she is a back bitter. She can run her mouth any other time except when she has a problem with someone. Everyone here "bows down" to her and is afraid of her bossy, pushy ways. Well, I end up being like an old mule when she starts, I refuse to do anything she barks about. Again, she doesn't like it. Oil and water.

I'll talk more about this at another time, as my shift has ended.

See ya'

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