Monday, March 21, 2005

A night at the ?.

Another night at the workplace, we will see what it's like tonight. You never know what it will be like, so far everyone is b!#$%ing about the other shifts. It gets old quickly. I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come.

I'm talking with my supervisor in the morning about switching off tours. Obviously it's third shift at the moment. My wife and I talked about it, and we think it would be better to change it to second shift. My days off won't be cut by trying to stay up all night so I can sleep all day. Also, I'd be home at night with my family. My wife just likes me to be asleep in bed with her at night.

I'm in a good mood and I'm going to try to keep it that way. I'm going to have plenty of time to write tonight, so I'll make sure to save this as a draft and update it as the night goes on.

More later.

0600 Mar. 21, 05

It seems everyone got over their complaints, and the night was rather quiet. A nurse in particular seems to have had a problem with me for a while now. Last night she hardly said much to me. It doesn't seem like much of a problem for me. I believe I know what she's upset about, something I didn't do, but I'll let her go on thinking that I did if it keeps her from talking. All she ever does is complain and bark orders. Who needs that from a co-worker; that's what management's for.

I'm selling chances for an Easter basket and a homemade blanket that turns into a pillow (and vice versa) that will be raffled on Wednesday. The Basket sold quite well, whom ever wins the blanket will be stealing it though. They're for my son's trip to Europe. My wife will be pulling the ticket at her workplace and she's also going to do a 50/50 chance. I would but being in nursing there won't be enough staff here at one time to do it. We have another basket that I made with homemade soap, bath oil, bath salts, and such, but we're not sure when we're going to start that one. We also have another blanket, it's a snowman. Again, we haven't set a date. We were thinking of auctioning something off on eBay, but we're not sure about that. We're still waiting on my wife's workplace to get back to us about whether or not they're going to sponsor him. The fundraising is going slow. I have to call today about the pizza cards we ordered and have yet to receive. I'm getting a little perturbed about that. I called them last week, I think, but got an answering machine. They haven't returned my call. If they don't get back to me I think I'll post their name on here so everyone will know not to do business with them. They will get a chance though. I'm very patient (at times) if nothing else.

So here's to another day of work down the tubes, and yet another day to follow it. I'll sleep the day away, only to return again tonight.

May we cross paths again.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I worked five years of "graveyard" shift, midnight to 08:00 a.m. I missed so much of my children's lives during those times because I was getting off work when they were heading out to school and was heading for bed at 6:00 p.m., just when their "fun time" was starting. The only times we really had together was when I took my vacations. Then we'd all go away to another state, away from the phones, schools, work, etc. so we could enjoy ourselves as a family. I think that was the only saving grace in my wife's and my 28 year (and still going) marriage. As for the kids, they're grown and we're all still one happy family. But, no thanks to that graveyard shift.