Monday, March 28, 2005

One from home?

It's true, I posted to my blog from home! WHOOPEE!

I ran around all day, again. Both children had a doctors appointment. They have psoriasis and we decided to go to a dermatologist. They were previously given Elidel but we can't allow that to be used due to the whole cancer deal. Surprisingly enough the doctor gave them allergy medication, each a different cream, and told us to use vaseline and Dove soap. We get the creams tomorrow since the pharmacy didn't have them and they had to ordered. We return in two weeks to see how it worked. My youngest was given Benadryl, so he's naturally unconscious. Maybe my wife will get some sleep tonight (she breast feeds so I'm no help there); he wakes up at least five or six time a night, I think because of the itching. I hope it works. We'll see.

Good night.

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