Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A night out of my element.

I'm on third shift tonight, again, only to be pulled to another floor to work. It's odd how some people react to change, even for a short period of time. When the nursing supervisor called and said that an LPN would have to go to another ward everyone panicked. They ran to the time book (were we have our schedule, overtime roster, mandatory overtime roster, and pull sheet so we can mark when you've been forced to do something) to see when each of us was pulled last. Obviously my time was farther off then either of the two I was working with. They both sighed heavily and said with glee, "It's your turn to go!". So, here I am pondering why everyone has such a hard time dealing with such minor issues. Maybe it's just me, but I look at it as being a job, whether I'm on this floor, that floor, or outside. As long as I'm getting paid, and it's within my duties as a nurse, who cares where I have to do it or with whom I have to do it with. It's eight hours of nonfun either way. After I get everything done I can still fade into the background and delve into the computer. Most of the time it's as though nobody realizes I'm still here, until something needs done that is.

Today is my wife's birthday. I have a surprise waiting for her as I won't be home when she wakes up. I also have an order for her favorite pastry which I have to get before she gets home. We're not doing anything big (she didn't want to do anything at all) because most of our money is going towards our son's trip to Europe. She's probably going to be mad and I'll hear about it for some time. Although she did say earlier about me going with her shopping so that I could get her gift because she figured I didn't get it yet. (I kept joking with her about whether or not she wanted her gift wrapped or not). I couldn't let her birthday go by without getting her something or doing something for her. That would just be wrong.

There's another funny thing about women:
One Christmas my wife decided we wouldn't get anything for each other, so I didn't. She did. I felt lower than a snake turd in a sinkhole. So, when she said we weren't getting each other anything for our anniversary last year I thought, "I have this covered!". I bought her roses. She bought me nothing. I was yelled at, called all sorts of foul names, and just belittled. I was forced to take her shopping so that she could get me something, all the while complaining that we were not supposed to buy each other anything. In the sink hole again. I've known for some time now that I'm not right, and I'll never be right, when it comes to my wife, but is there some way of knowing when to do what, just to keep out of trouble?

She'll get me back though. Our son will be in Europe for my birthday (he hasn't realized that yet) so we decided we wouldn't do anything until he returned home. She'll have time to think of something. She'll do something while he's away, then we'll have to do something when he gets home. Double whammy.

My father is still giving us grief about allowing our son to go to Europe. He's worried about terrorists and him getting lost or something. He keeps saying he's to young and he'll get home sick. He's insistent that something bad will happen. Yes, I'm worried about him but I couldn't take this opportunity away from him. He's just old enough to be considered for the trip and could be picked to go on another. We have family in Germany who are going to try to meet up with him in Italy. The chance to do all the things he'll do is incredible. I am very jealous. If he gets the chance to go on another trip, he could quite possibly see the world. They go almost everywhere. We're working hard to raise enough money for the trip, but I would and will do it all over if he has the chance to go on another trip. It will be a fantastic learning experience, and he gets college credit for completing all of the required tasks. We just can't get my father to see all the possibilities.

We think he was picked for the program due to his score on the PSSA. We don't know for sure because you could be referred by a teacher or former alumni, or it could be for academic achievement. We do know it's very hard to get in. It just amazes me that he gets this chance to see a completely different lifestyle. I'm more proud of him then words could describe.

I'm outta here.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

And you have every reason to be proud of him from what I've read!

RE: your wife... when you figure out "some way of knowing when to do what, just to keep out of trouble?" pass it on. J (my wife) does this to me all the time. After 27 years of being married to her you'd think I'd know how to react, know what gifts to buy, etc. but no, she changes her mind at the last minute and fails to share those changes with me until I've played my hand and exposed my idiocy to her. Then she pounces like a cat on prey. God I love her so...

As a side note, I truly believe all women go to some secret "married boot camp" somewhere, some time before they get married. They learn stuff there that foreign governments would love to get their hands on. Psychological terrorist training stuff. And damn, they're good at it.