Friday, March 18, 2005

Number three - HOLD ON FOLKS!

I'm about to blow my record (as of hours ago) out of the water - MY THIRD POST IN ONE DAY! And it's from my house to boot. I have a terrible time writing from home. For some reason I can never find the time to write at home. I'll make-up an excuse to write at work.

I received a comment about being angry and will admit to that. (As you can tell) I usually write from work, which is a very negative place for some reason. This is my way of speaking my mind (which runs from topic to topic) without getting into trouble with my boss (I do enough of that - Ha Ha), without hurting anyone's feelings, and without creating contempt between coworkers. Nursing can be a very stressful job at times. (Just working with mostly women can be trying - he says under his breath.) I've had many reasons to be "bitter" for lack of a better word. I realize that having worked in the prison system made me more cynical then I already was. I've seen so many people that didn't care about anyone but themselves. I have a very upbeat outlook on things in general (contrary to what my wife believes). I just don't have many outlets for frustration. This one really seems to work for me. I can say how I feel or what I think and if someone wants to say something they can, if not they move on, none the worse for wear.

I am ever the pessimist. I recall one of my nursing instructor telling us to optimistic, stating, "When I get a phone call at 2 am I wake up excited, expecting it to be someone telling me I won the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. Unlike most people thinking their child is in jail or in an accident". I raised my hand and said, "I grab the phone expecting someone or everyone that's meaningful to me to be dead. That way, when I do win a sweepstake, I'm that much more excited. And if someone is dead, I'm still prepared for the worst." I'm a survivalist and prepare for the world to end tomorrow, or to not wake up in the morning. And every day I wake up, with the world the same as ever, I thank god for another chance to correct the mistakes I've made in my past. I was a very horrible person early in my life, and every chance I have to make up for the things I've done, to help those I've hurt, is another reason to that God.

And on that uplifting note........

Good night all.

1 comment:

six_cents said...

hey, thanks 4 da comment. keep at it. things come things go, but Jesus remains constant.
God Bless u