Friday, March 18, 2005

Two in one day, WOW!

This will be my second post today, imagine that. I've gone and impressed myself.

The day wasn't that bad. It was still as I said, but around lunch time the others (an RN and an LPN) returned from a class to finish off the day on the floor.

The nurse beside me is trying to order tickets for the circus. It just kills me the price ticketmaster charges, per ticket, to order. And then to buy things for your kids at the circus you have to mortgage your house. Is it that everything is getting that expensive or are we just allowing people to make that much money for poor quality, over priced items? If we collectively said "we're not paying that much for a mediocre show and for crappy toys/food" do you think it would make a difference? Just my pondering. I think it's awful how the prices of things get outrageous and everyone just writes it off as "inflation". Those who get an inflation raise, myself included, don't get enough to cover inflation. It just doesn't make sense to me. The politicians keep saying they have no money for this and that, yet they wait until the wee hours of the morning to vote themselves a raise increase. Why don't they take a few of their wages to pay for Social Security or any of a number of problems in our society? They receive those wages for life, as well as the increases. I don't think we should have to pay anyone that much money for life, including the Presidents - they get Security as well. We waste so much money in this country yet poverty is rampant.

Better stop again before I can't get stopped. I guess I've learned that I ramble a bit.



six_cents said...

hey 2 posts in a day. i duna if even i hav dun that! u machine! nice blog. seems like u gota bit of angr 2wards da world there hey? lol jus kidding. check my blog sumtime

Harleydreamer said...

I'll be checking it in a few minutes, thanks for the comment. And as for anger - it seems this is very releasing to sound off/yell/scream/carry on here without any hard feelings. Very therapeutic to me.