Wednesday, November 09, 2005

BAD Week

I've been in funeral homes for three days. A childhood friend died in Iraq recently and his funeral was on Monday. And then, on Friday my wife's step-brother died and his funeral was on Tuesday.

My friend's funeral hit me harder than I expected. It might have been because we grew apart and haven't talked or seen each other in years. Or, it could be that he was twenty-eight years old. Or, it could have been that he was killed in Iraq (unexpected death). Or it might be all of those reasons and more. I was completely devastated by the funeral. He was such a wonderful person and I wish I would have been around him more. Now there's absolutely no way of spending time with him. I will probably be writing about him just to put who he was and what I'm feeling in writing and off my mind.

A little history of one of the people this world lost:

SGT. 1st Class Daniel Lightner

I knew him from about the time he was three. He was the oldest child with three sister. His father was a mean drunk/druggie that my uncle ran around with. He died when Danny-boy (what we called him because him and his father had the same name) was about seven or eight (?). He died while running from the police when he wrecked his truck, rolling it over several times, with him going out the window and the truck rolling over onto his head. I believe his mother worked but it was part-time because she had four young children to raise.

When he came to our house everything I had was his. We would play matchbox cars for hours, and when we were a little older we would play Nintendo and computer games. My parents would buy them Christmas and birthday gifts so they would have something.

Their mother walked everywhere as they couldn't afford a car - to work, the store, everywhere for everything. There were very few times that she would except help, and it was only from certain people. And above all, she would never ask for help as she was a very proud woman. Danny would use his money buy food and pay bills. Danny would work doing odd jobs from that point on to bring in money for his family. He would shovel snow, rake leaves, deliver papers, and anything else to make money for his family. He made an adult salary from a very young age. They literally would have had nothing if not for him. If his mother was making dinner and realized she didn't have what she needed, he would jump on his bicycle and ride to the store to buy what she needed; no questions asked, no complaints. He would buy Christmas gifts for his sisters. He wouldn't eat until after his sisters did to make sure there was enough; if there wasn't, he would go without.

He practically raised his three sisters. He was the only father figure they really had. He would keep a "Treasure Chest" filled with candy and little toys. When they did something worthy of a reward they got to take something from the "chest".

From a young age he accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and made sure to tithe, sending ten percent of everything he made to his church, even when he went into the military. He started going to church when he was at our house because a local church would drive an old school bus around and pick up children for bible school. We went together for several years, Danny went until his death. We were even Baptists together. The pastor became his father figure and took him like his own son, who would become his best friend. Knowing this now, I would do anything for the pastor as he kept Danny from a life of despair and probably out of prison.

He saved every penny that he could. When he graduated from high school, he bought his mother a house; with cash! He idealized her and did everything he could to help her. He was never married. Never had any children. He NEVER complained about doing all of this and did it with great joy. I never knew him to say a bad word about anyone, and I never knew him to get into a fight.

He joined the Army and served his time. When he got out of the military he became a Pennsylvania State Trooper. He was working in the Philadelphia area and was a Police officer for two years. He volunteered to go to Iraq because he didn't like being a cop. He said he felt safer when he was in the war. He was planning on quitting the force when he returned. I'm not sure, but I believe he was going to be a pastor.

I gathered from his funeral that everyone he came in contact with loved, respected, looked up to, or came away with something that would last a lifetime.

I would guess that there were over three hundred people there to show their respect. Many members of the Army, as well as a few Marines, Air Force, and Navy personnel - about one hundred in all. Pennsylvania State Troopers, New Jersey State Troopers, Delaware State Troopers, and several from local Sheriff's departments - again, about one hundred in all. Then there were another hundred or so family and friends. The procession took around forty-five minutes and we only went approximately a half mile. Along the way we passed the Department Of transportation, they were on the sidewalk holding pictures of the flag they printed on their computers. He was truly and honestly given a hero's send off.

One of the hardest parts of the funeral for me was the reading of a letter. His pastor told everyone that Danny gave him a letter before he left. He was told to put it somewhere safe in the event something happened to him. He had someone else open and read the letter as he couldn't do it without breaking down. The letter floored me because I knew by what was said and the manner in which it was written that it was straight from Danny. He gave specific details of how he wanted his funeral to go. He told his sisters that he loved them and was very proud of the women they had become. He he told his mother that he loved her and was sorry for making her worry, but most of all, he was sorry for hurting her so much by not returning home. He told everyone not to be sad for him because he died for his country which was an incredible honor for him and that if he had everything to do over again - he wouldn't change a thing as he was doing what he believed in.

That's all I can say/write for now, it's getting too difficult. I'll pull myself together and talk/write more about Danny and his funeral, as well as my wife's step-brother and his funeral at another time.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ever changing world

It's funny how much everything changes.

I'm working in another section of the hospital today, not that much different from the other units I've been pulled to. I'll be basically working in a doctors office today. You check patients in, get vital signs, ask about any problems, and send them in a room to be seen by a physician. Not that big of a deal. It's flu season and I'm sure to be giving everyone that comes in a flu shot (I work with older veterans). It's difficult to believe that people complain about having to go and help another unit as though they were asked to relinquish their first born child. Maybe it's because although I've been doing this for multiple years now, I'm still not used to working as a minority; with women being the majority.


BUT, it appears as though someone (or more) has something to complain about everyday, all day long. I know, "your complaining now!" Yes I am. The difference is, (at least in my small mind) I will say what is bothering me and be done with it. I'll let it rest. I just need to tell someone (anyone or even no one at all) my problems or complaints, just so I get them off my chest without hurting anyone's feelings or upsetting someone. And then I'm done. I've had my say and it's over. I know if I hold things in I'll explode onto someone (or stroke out with high blood pressure). The women I work with, at least, complain about the same things constantly. Is it difficult for people to let things go that they have no control over? And why do I have to suffer for what their husbands/boyfriends have done? I don't need to hear about how men are lazy, self-centered, idiots. Yes, they are out there. But why do we instantly become horrible because that's the type of guy you're attracted to? It just gets old after a while, and I've heard this for years now.

On another note, last night my son had his first semi-big concert, this year, in the orchestra. It was very nice. He spent the entire day with orchestra members from two other schools, practicing for the concert, getting to know each other, and learning different types of music. He was very impressed with the guest musician. He taught them jazz and blues. He also had them play their musical instrument while he played background piano. My son said that was different/neat because they were told to play "off the cuff". They played whatever they felt like, with no sheet music or instruction/advice. Apparently, the kids had a good time.

As to the fact of everything changing; I just turned on the "word verification" for comments. I find it sad that we've gone from businesses bothering you at home trying to sell you something to them sending emails, faxing you ads, bugging you on your cell phone, and now soliciting you on your website. In the past two days, I've had two or three comment solicitations. What's next? Is it true that I'll have to be careful of walking past a vending machine for fear of it telling me to buy this or that? Next, instead of billboards blaring their statements at you when you drive down the road, will the trucks be equipped with devices that when you're driving next to them they'll try to sell you something (mobile billboards)?

Again, I digress. I just think if everyone tried a little harder to make someone else's life a little more enjoyable we'd all be better off. And that's my two cents worth (for what it's worth).


Monday, October 17, 2005


Today is just another day. Not much going on. It is bosses day (well, Sunday was the official day), but we're going to celebrate tomorrow. WHOOPEE!!

I have been running ragged lately. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. I need to stop sleeping so I can get more done at night. I just can't seem to get ahead. How do I go about getting hours added to the day? Do I need to put in a petition to the President?

I really can't wait for the Halloween parties. I need a break, desperately! I still don't have everything ready for my costume! And I'm going to need a another costume for my bosses party! I need to retire so I have more time at home. Can you retire at 34 while having no money? I thought I'd make money as a nurse, but I don't seem to have one of those higher paying jobs. I must be doing something wrong! I need a career change as well. Maybe I just need a life change. Can I tried mine in for a new one?

That's enough with the questions. I'll stop for now and try to work on my other blog (through Yahoo!). My cousin started one with them and that's the easiest way I found to talk to him and his wife as they live in Germany.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Gripe for today.

I know, it's been awhile. I'm trying to make changes and I just don't seem to have the time. With repairs/changes to the house and my wife's family going in and out of the hospital, time is very short.

I have a question for anyone who might happen upon this mess I call a blog. What ever happened to the old stike anywhere matches? I've been looking for them for quite a while now. Does no one make them any more? I use them in emergency/survival kits as water proof matches (with minor alterations). You can strike them on any rough surface and get a flame. It's driving me crazy (although I never stray far from there anyway) looking for them. I'm guessing they only make them for the movies now a days. If I'm wrong, please correct me and tell me where I can get them!

Halloween is quickly approaching. I'm going as Brainiac, the arch nemesis of Superman! It's to a friends party with a Superhero theme. My youngest son (14 months) is going as Superman. My oldest son (12) and wife haven't decided what there going as. I may be wearing it twice as my boss is throwing a party at her house. All I need to get are green tights (it's hard finding tights in my size - even in the Big Girl section) and some blinking lights for the head gear. I haven't decided how I'm doing the lights yet. Any ideas?

Enough for today,

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Long Overdue

It's time to get serious about my blog. I'm finally going to revamp the entire thing. I think I'll get rid of some ads, the clock, and just trim it up a bit. I think it's getting out of hand. It looks too over commercialized and cramped. I've had a template I've wanted to use for some time now, so I might as well use it. I'm on vacation next week, so I think I'll experiment at home with it and see what I come up with. If you see many changes in the future you'll know why.

My son's website will be getting new pics as soon as we get them developed. I hope to get some organization involved also. But that depends on what he wants to do with it. Who knows, he may even write something when we get his room finished and his computer hooked up. He may get wireless internet connection, but that's still in discussion. We will see what happens when it happens. Keep checking in on his site to see where it goes. He's very intelligent, he just hates to write, although when he does he's very good. His link is on the left (the people to people one). I guess I'll have to make it more noteworthy.


Saturday, July 30, 2005

Return Trip

Everything went well on the return trip. Problems during the trip through Europe, but over all a good trip. I'm sure you'll hear all about it in upcoming posts. I'm just glad it's over. My wife has been going insane since about a week or two before our son left. (And yes I said son. We have two. For those just joining the conversation, I have a problem giving information about my family - see past posts!) Maybe now things will settle down.

I hope to be able to post again. I have been running a little short on time and miss getting things off of my chest. We also gave my son's room a make-over. It was time for him to grow up and have a room that reflected it. It will be a huge, work in progress, project. He was surprised as he knew nothing about it. If you look, you just might find some things of his on eBay. We haven't decided on doing it (eBay) or not. We shall see.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Euro Trip

Yesterday, around 1500 EST., began the journey to Europe. It was over at 0600 EST. (noon there) in Paris. It was said to be sixty degrees. And so begins to sojourn through Paris and Italy.
As ingenuity permits, pictures will be sent to a moblog as they are taken. Click on this link or follow the one on the left. It will be there as long as the moblog is alive.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Fourth of July.

Happy fourth of July everyone.

Working with veterans, I've seen many things. It always strikes me as peculiar how little things get over looked. Today is a day to celebrate our nations independence from Britain. As with Memorial day, this is a day to celebrate our vets. It was those fighting the war with Great Britain that won our independence as well as every soldier who fought in any war throughout the years to keep it. If you are a veteran, I thank you. If you know one, thank them for yourself as well as me.


Monday, June 27, 2005

It's Still In The Works.

I'm still working on putting the pictures from the book signing on the internet. I just don't have much time to devote to it. Eventually I'll get around to it. I've been a little busy getting things ready for the European Trip. I have a site set up for pictures to be sent directly to it from the cell phone. Now all I have to do is switch it to this site, send the photos, switch it back, and upload the photos from the picture CD to the site and I'm done.

Just a little update with what's going on.


Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Event.

I won't be able to go into much detail about meeting Bruce Campbell at the moment, but I can say it was something I'll never forget. I'm in the process of getting my pictures together and will post them, if not on this site I'll put the link.

I also wanted to say that I'll be creating a moblog for my eldest child's trip to Europe. That way anyone interested, can see where the group is/has been as the pictures are posted as soon as they're sent. Once I have it set up and started I'll post the link. The journey begins July ninth.

Till then and goodnight,
Best. (I have to admit - I stole this from Mr. Campbell. I thought it to be cool.)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


The tension mounts as the days are flying by.

Tomorrow is the day I meet:

How great is that?



Once again I'll be out of my area and in Yellow team. I have yet to work in this area so I'll see what their like. If it's anything like Red team I'll have a good day. I guess we'll see. If I get the chance I'll write more. If not, I'll be telling you what the event was like on Friday.


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Baby, You Got Real Ugly.

And now the countdown begins. It is mere days before Bruce Campbell will be in Pittsburgh, and I'll be there to see him. I can't wait to see what his new movie is going to be like. We will be watching Evil Dead tonight, or at least we better be. I've been waiting to see it.

I have a rental van waiting to be picked up on Wednesday. I have the tickets for the book signing and the tickets for the preview are paid for, just waiting for the event. I think I have everything ready. Now it's just a matter of waiting for Thursday.

I wonder if we will be waiting in line outside the theater until 6:00 or what. We will probably get there around 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning. If we do have to wait in line, we'll probably take just take turns. I'm thinking about that because I don't know if I should pack a lunch or plan on buying one. I'm also curious as to how it's going to work. If we wait all day and it goes in a different order I'll be ticked off. I know with the preview, the earlier you get there and pick up your tickets, the better seat you can get. You pick out the seat in the theater when you get your tickets.

I probably won't be talking about much more then the events until they're over.

OH, I will mention that we got a Motorola v551 and Sony Ericsson z500a phones. If anyone has any tips, tricks, or download sites for these phones please tell me. I'm always looking for new or free stuff for my phones.


Sunday, June 19, 2005

You Thought I Was Beautiful Once.

Our cell phone debate was easily nullified after I caught up with my family as they were shopping. I decided to get the phones no matter what anyone else thought. I didn't ask for anyone's advice except that of my wife. Now everyone will have a cell phone, if they don't like it they can return it within thirty days and get one that they like. I'm going to program everything into their phones tonight. They are fairly simple picture phones that were on sale. I will have a better model after the European trip is over. The better phone is going overseas. It's the only one that has international capabilities, not that I'll ever use them. Now we have to get all the accessories to go with the phones. What a pain in the butt!

Another slow day at work. I have several movies to watch this week and can't wait to get home. I rented Evil Dead for my eldest to watch in anticipation of the Bruce Campbell event. I know I can't wait to watch it again as I absolutely love the movie. I think that will be what we watch after we get back from my parents house. It's good that I don't have to work tomorrow, I can stay up or sleep in, and watch movies while cleaning. What a day it's going to be. A father couldn't ask for much more then that. Except maybe a Harley, ha ha!

Well, best.

Happy Father's Day.

To all the fathers of the world:


I hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Frankly My Dear, You Don't Give A WHAT???

Looking at new cell phones can be quite a challenge. There are about two thousand different styles, shapes, functions, and capabilities that a phone can come with. Then, to match the right phone with the people in your family is another story. We are looking to get all new cell phones, four in all, because of AT&T selling out to Cingular. We want to get our oldest a phone for the trip to Europe but have to get a new contract using Cingular. We are not able to keep our AT&T products on the Cingular network, therefore new phones. The initial cost will be a hit, but in the long run we're going to save money with roll over minutes and a cheaper plan. The biggest problem we're running into is choosing the phones. And my father is being a jerk about every aspect of it. He says he doesn't want/need a phone one minute and then when you ask to make sure he doesn't want one he gets nasty talking about, "if you don't want me to have one fine." So, now we have to work out who's going to have a phone, how many we need to get, and what phone we're getting for whom. What a mess over something as stupid as a phone. I wish we didn't have a phone at all. If you need to tell someone something, open the door and yell.

I just want to get everything done and over with so I can enjoy myself on Thursday. The 22nd is Bruce Campbells birthday. It's odd to think he'll be here, in the middle of a book signing, during his birthday. A celebrity has a poor, if any, home life. In my opinion, they pay a high price for the "fame & fortune" that comes with the job. I don't think I would be able to deal with all the things that they have to deal with on a daily basis. It's almost understandable why many celebrities have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol.

I'm still trying to find a Fathers day gift. It's difficult to find a gift for someone who has everything and is very particular about what they like. I can't get anything tool related as he complains about getting a gift that's for working. He doesn't have any hobbies except watching TV, and he doesn't need another one. He does like to go fishing, but he just bought himself a new fishing rod and reel. We bought him a tackle box last year so he doesn't need another one. We've been looking for shirts, but can't find anything that he would like. The search continues.


Friday, June 17, 2005

So Are The Days Of Our Lives.

Yesterday I spent the day in Pittsburgh getting the tickets to see the premier of Bruce Campbell's new movie The Man With The Screaming Brain. I didn't mean to spend the day there, I just got there a little early. It's a little over a two hour drive from Altoona to Oakmont. I arrived in front of the Oaks Theater at 10:45. Since there was no information about it online, I had no idea when they opened. There were no times posted at the theater except the times for the movie The Goonies; which started at 2:00. There was a little paper in the window with the different movies and when they were showing. At the bottom was there number, so I called. I got a listing of movies and what dates they were showing and another phone number. I called the other number and found out that they open to sell tickets, everyday, one half hour before the showing. I had to wait until 1:00 when the employee showed up and sold me the tickets. So, in effect I left at about 8:30 and got home at 3:00, staying in the car the entire time except for maybe a half hour. It was a long day to say the least.

Tonight I have to go to a Fathers day meal at my mothers church, she signed us up. I'm not sure what's going to happen. I know there will be a dinner, but what else is unknown to me. My eldest (who also attends this church periodically) will be happy to be doing anything with/for me for Fathers day. What we won't do for our children, including the unknown. It should be a hoot.

Well, back to work and reading my books (Bruce Campbell's of course). Best.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

As Sand Through The Hourglass,

It's odd how something little can make a big impact in our lives.

The city said they were repaving our road today. My uncle bought two cars a few years ago. They have since broke down. My uncle lives next door to us and both cars are by our house. The one in question has a problem with the transmission (third gear is gone) and it just isn't worth fixing. The police said we had to move it because of the road work that was going to take place. We started it up and I drove it around to the back part of my uncle's driveway. The police made this huge to do about it when it was no problem what so ever. Everyone in the neighborhood was told they had to have their cars at least two feet off of the road. The road was going to be closed for the majority of the day to do the work. And of course, nothing was done. Not a single part of the road was touched.

Now, we live in an out of the way area and everyone but a few have a parking place that consists of some shale at the end of their yard or beside their house. That meant that everyone had to have their cars out of the area for the day. I don't know if the work has since been done as I'm at work at the moment (4-12). If not, tomorrow everyone will be expected to do the same thing. It's a little annoying having someone making you inconvenience yourself to do something, and then not do it. Especially after the commotion the police officer made over a simple moving of a car. It got to the point that my father told him he had to leave or call and get back up.

I'm glad my wife will be at work tomorrow, I'll be in Pittsburgh, and the children will be with my mother-in-law. We won't have to deal with the whole mess. If it doesn't get done, and correctly, I pity the workers. The neighbors will be all over them.

We have a gasoline company at one end of the main road and the big tanker trucks come through and just tear the road up. They rarely fix it, so if it's not done right, watch out! The only reason they're doing it to begin with is because the Tour De Toona will be on that road. We're now wondering if they're going to repave our road, a horseshoe off shoot of the main road, or not.

Since they started the Tour De Toona they fixed all the highways and the roads that the bicyclists ride on, but all the other roads have gone to pot. The downtown area is deplorable. They send the cyclists through the countryside to show them the "beauty" of Pennsylvania and make a few bucks. The people that live there have to do without the roads, as they are closed for the race, and can't even get to their homes at times to appease the cyclists. They also close sections of the highway down to do time trials. The entire deal is horrible.

There was a problem a few years ago where an elderly man was trying to drive to his house a few yards from a road block during a race. He was stopped be the police officer who was guarding the area and told to turn around. The officer got upset because he had to tell the guy several times due to him being hard of hearing. Then, when the gentleman pulled forward to turn around, because there was traffic behind him, the officer reached in the truck, turned the motor off, took his keys, and proceeded to physically drag the elderly man out of the car. The temperature was in the 90's and the officer made him kneel on the side of the road, handcuffed, for over an hour. When he was released, his family took him to the hospital where he was given intravenous fluids because he was dehydrated. The police station was befuddled as to why they were being sued. I don't know if it's just this area or not, but something is wrong somewhere.

Just to let you know, my family has lived here for years and we know all the local police; most of whom are related. It's not the highest class of neighborhoods. At one time the police wouldn't come into the neighborhood after dark, for any reason. The officer giving us a hard time was trying to show how tough he was and throw his weight around, but it didn't take him very long to get in the car and leave.

My family also has a not so friendly past with the local police, and everyone knows it. My one uncle has been in jail more years then I've been alive, or somewhere close to it anyway, so there has never been a love connection with them and my family. It's funny to think that I started my nursing career in the prison system (my uncle was doing time in the same prison when and where I started my job). I'll bet that's why I got along with the inmates as well as I did. At the county prison I started at, I personally knew at least a third of the population at one time (not relatives but friends).

Isn't it funny how life twists and turns and takes you in directions you never even thought you would venture? Well, I guess I've ranted enough for tonight. It's been a little while since I've felt the need to do it. So, that being done:


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Wheels Of Change Are Turning.

I have everything in motion for our trip to Pittsburgh. It's down to three people; Rod, My oldest (just jumped on board this morning to see the movie), and Myself. I have to go to Pittsburgh tomorrow and buy tickets for the movie. You can only get them in person. I ordered the books last night because you have to buy a book from Joseph-Beth Booksellers to get a ticket to the book signing. Both of which will be held at the Oaks Theater in Pittsburgh. Now to get the rental vehicle for the day.

It's not getting any better, resident wise, here. We still only have a census of fourteen residents. People are getting very worried about having a job. As I've said before, we'll see what happens. I try not to worry about it. Come what may.

I mentioned before about XM radio. They have some VERY brutal talk radio station. Opie and Anthony hold nothing back. The tear down everyone, equally, without regard. You can not listen to them if you have any reserve; or qualms for that matter. And if you can't find music you like, you shouldn't be listening to the radio. Buy a CD player and some CD's instead.

I think I've spewed enough bile for a today. Best.

Monday, June 13, 2005

I Know Who You Are, And I Saw What You Did.

Now that the weekend is over, and the work day has begun, it's time to return to reality. And I've realized, I like the reality in my mind much better. The people are nicer and everyone knows me. I joke about insanity, but I'm just embracing my future. I see too many people with dementia, and I see what it brings.

It looks as though we will be getting new cell phones. We were with AT&T, but they sold out to Cingular. So, if we want to get an international cell phone for the trip to Europe, we have to get all new phones. I think it will be cheaper anyway. The month of July will be a little more expensive with the roaming charges and all. Now to figure out who wants what kind of phone and how many we'll be getting. After the initial charges it won't be so bad. It's just that first chunk of cash they take from you.

It's count down time. The family's getting antsy over the trip to Europe. It seems everyone is starting to feel the crunch. All but the one who is going; doesn't seem to be phased a bit. I think my mother and wife are going to freak out until the trip is over and everyone returns home. I don't think the two of them will sleep a wink the entire twenty days. We now have an entire itinerary for the trip. It tells what will happen everyday, and even where they will be staying. And there's also a website where you can track the plane flight. It tells where the plane is in the air.

We went to an Altoona Curve game on Saturday with the People to People Student Ambassabor program. It wasn't a bad day. It was just hot and long (double header) with little shade. It wasn't over until some time around eleven. They had a power shortage that prolonged the wait between games. I did get to hang out with "Jake" of The Blues Brothers Act which was cool. Overall, it was a good time. I usually don't care to go to the games because the people in this area are rude, obnoxious, and have a "better then thou" attitude.

I just found out about XM radio, the satellite radio station. They have some really nice commercial free stations. That's all I listened to this weekend. There is anything you could be interested in radio wise. Everything from Alternative to Talk radio.

Looks like it's time to get back to work. Best.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Horror Films Rule!

If anyone is interested at all, my titles are meaningless. I hate trying to make up a title for my posts. I love to write about stuff that's going on in my life and the media. But putting a name on it? So, I just make something up.

I was told I made Eric's day. I happened to get a second copy of The Man With The Screaming Brain. I gave one to my wife to give to him today and he was apparently very pleased. She said he and another guy in the office were looking at it earlier. I'm glad. Eric's already had a horrible year. I really hope he can go to the book signing. If he can't, I'm going to see if I can get another book signed for him. If it comes down to it, I'll give him the one I get signed. I bought a signed copy of If Chin Could Kill on so it's not that big of a deal. I'll at least get to see Bruce Campbell and be there when he autographs the book. Eric might have to miss the whole thing, including the preview of The Man With The Screaming Brain movie. I'm ordering both of us a book either way.

Well, time to go home. I'm off the weekend! So, I probably won't write anything.


Thursday, June 09, 2005

There's Someone In The House With You.

Another day with very few patients. Everyone's getting a little worried about losing there job. We'll see what happens when it happens. This has been a long ebb though.

Not much to say today. Might write tonight from home.


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Don't Touch That, You Don't Know Where It's Been.

Money is an unusual substance. I'm trying to get things straight for the trip my child will be taking to Europe. Changing from US currency to euros is quite a pain in the butt. It looks as though we'll have to get a gift card to purchase things overseas. We wanted to get a Visa Buxx card but seeing as the child in question is twelve instead of thirteen, we can't get one. You have to be thirteen to use the Visa Buxx card. I have no idea what the difference would be. I still have to pay for any amount of money placed on the card. It's not a credit card, it's only used as one. The difference between the Visa Buxx card and a gift card is that you can get cash from an ATM with the Buxx card. You can only use the gift card for purchases. I think that's dumb. If I want to give my child money on a prepaid credit card type account, why would it matter if they were two or thirty? Why does everyone have to make everything so difficult? I guess the search continues.


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Are You Alone?

I'm sick of seeing and dealing with candy! I just bought another two hundred dollars worth of the stuff for fundraisers. It's kind of sad to think of how much of it people have eaten. I only have three places that it's being sold in; my work, my wife's work, and my mothers work. My mother has two offices she sells in. We have trouble keeping it in stock for them. My work has already asked if I'll be selling it in and after July when the trip takes place. At the rate we're going, I'll have to do this for another three years to make up the money. I have finally resigned to believing that we are going to lose a lot of money on this deal. I just couldn't let my child miss this opportunity. If I would have had to, I would have taken a loan out to cover the price. We still have the pizza cards to get rid of too. Fundraising stinks!

Now that that's off my chest, I don't know if I'll have much more time to write today. I was scheduled to go to a class today and I didn't know about it. I'll try to let you know how it goes. It's about "Charting" of all things.

The class was rather interesting. It discussed all the new topics on charting.


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Don't Look Behind You.

I just found out, after looking for days, that I can get a "Pay As You Go" phone for my eldest child to take to Europe with him. I'll take some money out of what we've raised so far and get him a phone. After the trip is over I think I can (I'll find out for sure before getting it) ad it to our current cell phone plan. That way it will only be twenty dollars for an extra cell phone. Not bad, then everyone will have their own.

I'm also ordering the new hard back book Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way. I'll have it to read before I take it to the book signing. I'm hoping all goes well with our crew. I'm still waiting for Eric's heads up on what date he'll be able to make it. Until then I'll just keep making the plans I can.

Eric's making plans for this years Halloween party. The theme this year is going to be "Super Heroes". He's asked me to be a villain greeting guests as "brainiac". It works out as I'm the only one that's bald. Paint my head green, add some little lights, and a villain is made. Shouldn't be too much trouble. I'm just trying to figure out how to make the blinking lights. Thinking of LEDs, but now I have to think of how to do the wiring.

It's always a good time at his Halloween party. Last time about eighty people showed up. More and more come each year. This may be the last year (according to Eric) as it's getting a little out of hand. We shall see though, because him and his girlfriend have a blast doing it and go all out. Maybe I'll take over if he gives up? Yea, right.

I made two different soaps yesterday. One for laundry, which I think turned out pretty well. I won't know for sure until it cures and I try it. The other is a mild body soap that I added coco butter to. That one I'm not so sure about. I have to unmold and cut it to see how it turned out. I didn't have time to do it yesterday. I used a new lye in it. It did some funky things when I mixed the lye and the oils together. I'm not sure if the lye wasn't pure or what. I hope it was just that I had everything at a higher temperature than I should have. I'll have to ask my mailing list if this has happened to any of them before. I'm new to homemade soapmaking, but it's fun. As both of my children have eczema, it will be better for their skin as well.

I might be back later, I'm going to do some (internet) surfing right now though (still at work). Best.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

In the MOOD?

I've been "studying" horror films lately due to my getting excited over Bruce Campbell making two stops in my (somewhat) area during his book/movie tour. I've always loved horror/scary movies. And I think there are several categories they can be placed in. Two of the biggest, broadest categories would be psychological and gore. I like more the psychological horror flick. One that scares the crap out of you and makes you look around every corner after watching it. I'm not one for the gore type. One that has little story and relies on blood and gore everywhere.
Yes, there is a place for blood. Halloween is a prime example: little bit of blood and gore but big scare impact. I'm also not one for gratuitous nudity. I like taking my children to see a movie that will scare them without having to worry about someone having sex every fifteen minutes or so. Everyone (I think) enjoys a good scare every now and then, even kids. I can remember, as a child, seeing Jaws and being scared silly (I can still walk on water if something touches me in the ocean). And of course I love the humorous horror flicks, be it gore, psycho or a mix. As if you couldn't guess, The Evil Dead is one of my favorites. It's got lots of gore, is hilarious, and still has that spine tingling, jump out of your seat fear factor. It wasn't the type that tried to scare or shock you with realistic blood and gore. It was just a fun, as well as funny, horror film. And it was done by relatively amateur film makers. It was the first time they made a full length, feature film. Everything they did before that was on 8mm.

So, what are your thoughts on horror flicks? Let me know what kind you like, if you like them, and what your favorite films are. I'm very curious. And you might introduce me to a movie I haven't seen yet (I live for "B" films). I'm also going to try to start this topic on my TagBoard so that it will continue even after the post is gone.


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Only a Dead Man Tells No Lies.

My first night on second shift after transferring from third (read older posts). At least I like everyone I'm working with. This shift will be much better than third for me. And I'll get to sleep in my own bed, next to my wife, at night.

In other news, my nemesis is going away for a while. She'll be transferring to the clinics on a temporary basis. Almost everyone is excited about the prospects of a break from her. It's not that she's a bad person, she's just very bossy and demanding. As I've said in earlier posts, it would be different if she were in a higher position. But she's an LPN just like the rest of us. I think it's her military history coming out. Personally she's a decent person, it just gets difficult to work with her at times.

I guess it's time to go, again. Later days.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Another month to go.

The eldest of our younger clan will be going to Europe (as I've said multiple times) in a little more then one month. We're not halfway to being finished collecting funds. We will continue fundraising while he's in Europe to try and recoup our losses. It's more work then any of us ever imagined. I've learned many things and I've had a blast doing it. I just don't think I could do it year round. I may try to rent a fire hall and have a spaghetti dinner or something. We need to come up with a few ideas that will bring in more money. The candy selling and pizza cards just take forever. The yard sale was more successful then we expected, even with the rain, so we may try to do another one. Anyone can donate towards this cause above in the Harley fund as everything will be going towards that bill anyway. The People to People Student Ambassador Program has been very helpful with ideas and traveling/packing tips. I would recommend them to anyone, so far anyway. It will truly be a once in a lifetime experience for any child, just read the itinerary!

Last night went well with the Graduation. They made a "limousine" that the kids came through as they were announced. It was really cool. They even had a "Prom" for them.

I'm going to have to run away. It's time to get back to work. Later.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I have a condition that brings true enjoyment to my wife and I just realized that by playing with the color in my previous post I've caused myself more suffering. I was looking to make the words red, white, and blue. I couldn't use white as no one would be able to see it. But, using the color I did, several people will not be able to see it; including myself. I'm one of those people afflicted with being color blind. It frustrates me, but it can be very funny. The arguments are easily stopped by my wife stating, "Are you going to argue color with me?" And I really can't. That's one I'll never be able to win against my wife, among others.

I had a late start so I don't have much time to post. My oldest has a graduation (from elementary school) tonight. Don't think I'll have time to write tonight.

Till next time.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Another Holiday Weekend.

Happy Memorial Day

And a big THANKS to all those who served.


Friday, May 27, 2005

New experiences.

I was pulled to what's called a "Specialty Clinic" today. It's pretty much a doctors office in the Federal Hospital. I was doing the initial screening of patients. You know, Why are you here? What kind of problems are you having? That sort of thing. The people I'm working with are very nice and helpful. I will put in for a transfer if a position opens.

Not much time to write today as I was fairly busy. It looks like the plans might be falling through for Pittsburgh. It may be changed back to Philadelphia. I guess we'll have to wait to see how things go.

Time to pick up the vans.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The crater of no return.

Today my oldest will be on a field trip. Their going to the Capital. They should have a good time. The only problem is, I've been awake since four A.M. I didn't sleep well and I'm tired. I'm sure to be grouchy today.

I don't know if anyone else had any problems, but I couldn't do anything with my blog on Tuesday. Yesterday I didn't get much chance to do anything at home, let alone on the computer. It was either my server or theirs that was down. At least I can do something today.

The trip to Philadelphia looks like it's going to be a trip to Pittsburgh instead. That part will be much nicer, shorter trip. I didn't know if there was going to be a stop there or not. They originally had Pittsburgh posted on their website, but took it down; it's now back up. The only problem I have is one of the guy's girlfriend has invited herself along. And to top it off, she just recently "got into" Bruce Campbell. Eric said that they have a "B" movie night. When they showed BC, she bad mouthed the entire thing. We were looking at more of a guy road trip, but we'll see. I just don't know how this is going to go. I will be renting a van for our trip. I found a deal on one for thirty dollars a day with 150 miles/day.

I've been reading the book I got, "If Chins Could Kill". It's very fascinating how he grew up and fell into the group of people that he did. I'm also learning a great deal about what it takes to make a "B" movie. It makes you want to go out and start filming everything and anything. But then again, I've always wanted to do horror make-up. I think it's interesting how you can take latex, shape it in a certain way, and it's looks life-like on film. I've even experimented with it a little. It's just not financially feasible to play with it at this point. Maybe when I win the lottery I'll be able to play with it more; even though I don't play the lottery.

As I've said in the past, our census is very low at the moment. People are starting to worry about losing their jobs. It wasn't all that long ago that they tried to close one of the floors in the Hospital. The community fought, so they kept it open. Now the entire Hospital is worrying about having a job. The census is low in every area. If something doesn't change soon, I'm sure they're going to have to "down size" staff. It just isn't plausible to keep paying all this staff to care for a handful of veterans. I guess we will see what the Federal Government has in store for us.

I was trying to change the entire layout of my site when the server went wonky. I have a great code for the overall blog. I just need to find the right picture to place on the side so the writing will be able to be read. I tried a picture of a castle in Germany that my cousin sent to me, but it didn't work. You couldn't make out any of the words as they scrolled across. I'll keep plugging in new pictures until I find one that works. Then I'll have a completely different look to my site. I think this one looks generic. Well, duh. Maybe because it is a generic site, chosen from many other generic sites that were available, free, when I first started. Not that they are a bad thing, it's just time to move on. Time to quit looking at the world through the window and get out and be part of it. Make my own little niche in society. Well, more like a splinter that you never even noticed.

I might try my hand at a few make-up techniques in preparation for Halloween. If anything works out, I'll post some photo's. Of course you won't be able to actually see me for what I look like, but hopefully the effects will be the same. If I go really big and disguise myself enough to change my appearance I'll post them. It's that whole paranoia thing again.

It's early and I won't be doing much so I'll probably post again today.

Til then.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Meaningless Ramblings of the Mindless.

It's a very dreary day here. No sun, raining, fog, a wonderful day for staying in bed and reading. Here I am in the hospital, working. Our census is low at the moment; incredibly low. I'm sure I won't have time to write when our numbers return to normal.

Insanity appears to be a wondrous escape. If only there were some way to find a route back.

There are several more joining our book tour journey. I think we'll definitely be renting a larger vehicle. I may be starting a mailing list so everyone can be informed of all the ideas and information at one time. I would never have guessed there were that many people, in such close proximity of me, that were fans of Bruce Campbell. I guess it's true what they say about birds flocking and such. If the list continues to grow, we may need a band wagon for everyone to jump onto. I'm off tomorrow, so I'll be calling to find information on renting a vehicle for memorial day and prices for our trip to Philadelphia. I'm going to try to get an itinerary set up, but I'd like to get everyone's thoughts beforehand. I really don't want to be late getting there. With my luck they'll close the signing before we get through.

I need to buy some more drywall for the walls. I also need to get rid of some 3/4 inch flake board. We have several sheets that we really have nothing to do with. I'm planning on using some when I remove and rebuild our porch, but other then that we don't know what to do with flake board that thick. My wife wanted me to use it for the walls just to get it used, but it's too big/thick. Maybe I'll build a workshop in the side yard. Either way, I need to make a trip to the lumber yard and finish my projects. I'll be tearing the porch down in July when I have a week of vacation, I think. I need to clear out the stuff (my uncle's) from under it beforehand. Most of which will probably just need burned or junked. It's going to take a while to get the porch done.

My shifts almost over, so it's time to end; for the time being. I'll be doing research later tonight, so I might get to write more. I'd like to also try to make some soap, but we need to do some shopping first. We'll see what comes at me.

Later, if anyone's out there.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Bruce Campbell....Again?!

Yesterday I got the book I ordered, "If Chins Could Kill". Now to see about the next book, "Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way". I hope to get it before June 20th so I don't have to buy it at the book signing. What a road trip that's going to be! I'm hoping nothing changes with the signing. It doesn't matter when or where he's going to be in Pa, I'll switch with someone and go. I just don't want it to effect Eric or Rod.

The women I work with were talking about the Megan's Law (children sexual offenders) and the web site. They looked at our area and were surprised to see how many there were in our little are. I think they were a little more surprised by how many I knew (from working in the prison). They were then interested in what else I knew and some of the experiences I had with them. They couldn't believe some of the people on the list. They kept saying things like, "He looks so normal" or "He looks too old to do anything". With the last comment, I told them about an older gentleman I met while giving medication.

It was early in my nursing career, and I always asked for their side of the story. You know, "What are you in for?" This particular person told me that he was in on some B.S. charges. He was babysitting his granddaughter one day and she just wouldn't listen. So he told her if she didn't behave he was going to give her a lickin'. He said she kept it up, and kept it up. So, he pulled her pants down, put her on the counter, and gave her a "lickin'".

One of my coworkers turned and said, "I never had to pull my children's pants down when I gave them a licking2." At that point I told her, "He was 'LICKING'1 her. You were giving your children a licking2." No one said much after that, except maybe, "EW!" Just remember, it doesn't matter what someone looks like, or how they act. You never know what goes on in someone's mind! And people wonder why I'm paranoid.

More on another day.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

"Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora."

Another weekend, another day at work. I'm looking into take a course in IT. I love computers and trying to figure them out. I have a lot of looking to do. I need to narrow down what aspect of it I want to do. As well as how I want to go about doing it - ie. online or institution. I need to get a four year degree under my belt and get it done with. Slowly but surely I'm making my way there. I've finally talked myself into seriously looking at my options. Now I just need to fine tune the entire issue. Oh well, we'll see how it goes. I'm ever the pessimist, looking for something to go wrong. It drives my wife mad, one of many things I do.

It looks as though it's a go for the Bruce Campbell book signing in Philadelphia. Not only does it look like Eric and myself, but Rod, Eric's friend of numerous years, also a talented graphic artist, could be talked into going as he's also a big fan. We're going on a trip for Memorial day and we're going to look into renting a van. If it's reasonable, I might rent one for the Philly trip. That would give us room to spread out and relax on the way there and back. Maybe I'll even rent a portable DVD player. I know a local car rental shop advertises that they give you one with certain rentals. Either way, when the three of us get together, chaos is sure to follow.

A major portion of the wall is finished. Now it's the tedious task of taping, spackling, and sanding. I might wait until I get the other wall (in the bathroom) done and just do both of the fine detains at once. The finishing work is what I hate the most. It's dirty and dusty and very time consuming. But then again, it could also be that I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I really should seek therapy. It may be taken care of when my anxiety(?) issue is resolved. I know they can go hand in hand. I'm just a big ole psych mess. But at least I'm functional, well sort of.

I think when I get home I'm going to get started on the bathroom. I need to find a place for the wafer board so it won't be in the way. Now, you have to realize our bathroom was an addition to the house. It's a big room with a furnace, commode, tub/shower, and sink in it. I'm going to separate the room with a wall and create a walk in closet/changing room. The entire house is a piece of *&%$. The best thing I could do to it is have the fire department use it for practice. It's old and was built by hand by an alcoholic; honestly. Nothing in the house is level or straight. Every floor is warped in one way or another. It was built using old railroad timbers in some places and with newspaper for insulation. I don't mean the ground up cellulose of today. I'm talking about newspaper stapled to the inside of the walls. We found that out when we installed new windows and realized we also had to get some insulation into the walls. That could have been why the house was always cold. Hopefully some day we'll be able to afford to have the house demolished and have a new one built. It's all we have at the moment though. We'll have to make due until that day comes; which it will eventually.

My goodness I got long winded today. Sadly enough it only took about half of an hour to come up with all this. I should probably end so I'll have something to complain I mean talk about tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I should be in...Well, anywhere but here.

Today the so called "recreation dept." had their brunch. Since I'm pushing the medication cart, I got to chase everyone down to make sure they got their meds. It's just a pain in the but.

My mother-in-law appears to be doing well. She's suppose to be on a low fat, low cholesterol diet, but that will never happen. She was to change the bandages every day but has yet to change them. She stated that she's not to get the wound wet and she doesn't have the same type of dressing. I'll have to look to see if I can find some. My wife gave her hell and the lecture about infections.

Tomorrow is my day off. If I don't stop after work tonight I'll stop tomorrow to see about a new cell phone for my oldest. I'd like to get a picture phone so that when it's used, it can be sent to a moblog. I think it would be cool to see the trip from France through Italy, ending in Malta, through my child's eyes. Especially if I set it up to post when the picture is taken. I'd have to link the site on here to share with everyone. I can't wait! I think that would be the best birthday gift anyone could give me.

Just for background: My oldest child was accepted into the People to People Student Ambassabor Program. There program is The Heart of The Mediterranean. If anyone would like to donate, the button is at the top of the blog. I'll send you a copy of all the photos taken if you make a donation. If you know of something else I could repay your generosity with let me know (I have about 500lbs of chocolate bars :~} ). We have been doing fundraisers for months now. It only seems like forever. It's tough collecting that much money for one child, but I'd do it all over again if I was asked. It will be a once in a lifetime trip.

I need to do more then just hyperlink. I'm going to pull out the old HTTP language books out and brush up on it. You may see some things that just don't look right in the next few days. If so, let me know so I can change it and make it right. I'll thank everyone ahead of time - THANK YOU. I'm sure to make mistakes, as I'm only human. But I hope to reformat my entire site. I'm always tearing things apart to see how they work and to find out what I can change them into. Now we'll see how badly I can screw things up.

Enjoy the weekend everyone. I'll be sure to write as I'm working.

OH YEA. I almost forgot. In commemoration of the release today:

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Fuming and Raging

Another day and it's Wednesday. I'm still feeling on edge, my BP is around the normal side so I know it's not that. I just feel like I'm going to snap on someone at times. It feels like I just can't relax. I will definitely have to address this when I go to my next appointment.

I ordered something else last night; an autographed copy of "If Chins Could Kill". I bought it from Amazon. I really hope to get to the book signing so I can buy his newest book. Either way, I'm sure to buy a copy of it one way or another. I should know tomorrow if Eric is even interested in going, if my wife remembers to tell him about it.

I need to buy a parenting book on how to deal with pre-teens. I'm getting frustrated at the way my oldest is ignoring everything anyone says ("Huh? What?) and asks like an idiot ("I didn't know you had to do that.") This child is very intelligent, but something must happen when they become eleven or twelve. Is it just me, or is anyone else having these problems? It appears as though a child loses there mind at a certain age. Do they also get VERY lazy? We can't a job done by this child for love or money. It takes an act of God to get the dog walked and fed. And to keep water in the dog bowl would be like parting the Red sea. I don't know, maybe it's just me. That could be one of the reasons I feel like I'm going to snap.

It also seems as though I can't do anything right with my wife. I believe she's been mad at me for a week or more. At least she's been in a bad mood that long. Maybe it's because she's worried about her mom. I'll see when I get home as she's spending the day with her.

Oh, I almost forgot. My Mother-In-Law returned from the hospital yesterday (which is why she's taken most of the week off). Her cholecystectomy appears to have gone well. They thought there were gall stones in the bile duct so they scoped her; nothing was found. They believe if there were any, she passed them. So, she's home as of yesterday and even allowed to babysit. The doctor said she just has to be careful not to lift too much weight, but lifting the baby is fine. My father might be stopping in to check up on her (I didn't know my wife was going to be there until just a few minutes ago), as I'm sure her family will, or they'll at least call every fifteen minutes.

It's Wednesday, which means soccer practice. I think we'll order from a local pizza shop and get salads and pizza. When we order there, we usually get salads and subs/hoagies/po-boys/submarine sandwiches - whatever you call them in your area. I think that will be a nice change. It's terrible when you don't have the time to cook before running, and eating afterwards would be way to late.

I'll try to keep in touch.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A change is in the wind....Or I smell something bad.

Looking back on yesterdays post I may have overdone the hyperlinks. It seems as though I went a little crazy with them. The good thing, for me at least, is I found many websites I never knew existed while looking for links to place in the post. The Bruce Campbell site is just incredible. As well as the site for THGTTG. It's amusing to know that there is a site for everything.

Last night I ordered Bruce Campbell's new comic books, "The Man With The Screaming Brain." It's the original story that Bruce wrote but "had" to change for the soon to be released movie. There are alternate covers for each comic. Four of Four original and an alternate cover for each. I ordered/pre-ordered all of the originals and placed the alternates on my wish list. The first comic has already been released. The third is to be released on my birthday. How cool is that? I couldn't resist buying them because of that. It was a sign.

I thought I was going to be off the week he was coming through the area but I was off by a month. I'm going to try to get to either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia to his book signing. I'll see if a guy my wife works with, Eric, would want to try and go. We're both big fans. He may be a bigger fan than myself. He's a graphic artist. He's very talented. He's made his own action figures and can draw anything. He's even made a set of action figures out of plastic table ware. We would have a blast on a road trip to buy Bruce Campbell's latest book at the signing. If I do get there, and if I can get a picture, it's sure to make it's way onto my blog.

I'll keep you posted, as if your interested.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Holy megatroids.

Had a good weekend as I went to the movies, twice. I made it quite clear to everyone that since I had this weekend off, I was going to see "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy". I went on Sunday to see that. If you don't like English comedy, don't know much about THHGTTG, or find it hard to follow a movie, or just don't like, the narrator explaining things to you, then you probably won't like this movie. It's an intellectually funny movie. Again, if your not into higher thinking humor, don't bother. Several people got up and left part way through the movie. We (see below) liked the movie just fine. It could have been better, but it would have needed to be like "The Lord of The Rings" trilogy.

I read all four books in the series in high school and became a big fan of Douglas Adams'. I've read everything of his that I could get my hands on. Now, my oldest liked the movie (the two of us went to see it) and is interested in the books. I just found out that there was a BBC TV series on THHGTTG and I'd love to see it. If anyone has information on it please send me an email, it's available in my profile. I would also like to find a working (on Windows)copy of the games. The last time I played THHGTTG it was on my Commodore 64. I had a blast playing it. The version I played was like Zork. It was all text and no graphics.

My wife decided on Saturday that we would go with her brother and mother to the drive in to see "XXX - The State of The Union" and "Hitch". XXX was alright, it just didn't have a believable plot, many obviously fake stunts, and everything just seemed cheesy. The plot was the worst part about it. They could have easily made a better story line without much effort. Hitch was cute. It was the old boy meets girl and messes things up, but gets the girl back type of film. I like Will Smith and his acting career. He's a decent enough actor, and has picked good roles to play.

Now, I love movies, and I really enjoy a Drive in. But I would love to open a theatre and bring back some of the old classics with all the tricks and gadgets. The movie that pops into mind first is "The Tingler". They would place a small pad under a few seats that would send a harmless mild electric shock into the person/s sitting on it. It was a gimmick that scared the daylights out of people. There was also "Smell-O-Vision" that turned into "Odorama". I'd also like to bring back the 3D experience of old and all sorts of things like that.

I love B movies, and know that there is a following out there. The knew king of B films is Bruce Campbell. I would have everything he did or does shown in my theatre. And I would want a theatre like the old style. A movie house with a great front that draws you into it. Or, one that looks abandoned and a ramshackle, at least for horror films. I love the old horror films that scared the crap out of you instead of the newer films that spray blood and gore all over the place and have naked or half-naked college girls running in fear of nothing. You shouldn't need to include nudity to bring in hormonal teenage boys to make money. Give me a psychological, scare you until you mess your pants movie any day.

Well, back to work. I'm sure to talk more of Bruce Campbell later.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Somehow we're all connected.

I was asked to link/be linked to a Nursing website ring. I've associated with worse before, a lot worse. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to belong to a larger group. They may reconsider after learning more about me though. I'm a little different than most, I've just learned to blend in quite well. It's just proof that we're all connected in one way or another. I realized that after the game "seven degrees to Kevin Bacon". Or at least that's what I think it's called. It's eerie how easily that game works out.

Today I had to do a CPR course at work. It went quite well. I'm finishing this post a little late in the day so it won't be very long. As a matter of fact, I'm done.

Gotta go home.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Wake up and smell the...WHAT the @#%* is that?

It was a quiet morning today.

I haven't been sleeping well lately. Another concert for my oldest child tonight. I'll be running myself ragged again. I hope I'll be able to go home and fall asleep. If not I'll be playing with my computer. Last night I was cleaning my hard drive up and erasing things I don't need or have two of. I download things all the time and get different copies without realizing it. I have a hard drive full of things that either need burned to a CD or erased. I also had over six hundred emails to read. And no, I'm not that popular, I belong to a soap making email list. I hope to make round bars and laundry soap soon.

My mind is wondering like crazy today. I'm all over the place. I need to learn to relax a little. I also need something other than this blog to blow off steam.

This is funny, we're talking at work about panhandlers. I know some people are homeless and need help, but there are too many crooks out there. We were joking about that being our next career move because of how much money that some of them make. Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for all those that need help. I'm just cynical because of the lies, tricks, and thievery I've seen working in the prison system as well as the Public Welfare System. Again, I need to lighten up a bit, I know.

Go ahead and give me the business over my opinions, I don't mind. Bye for now, have to get back to work.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

It's a beautiful day in someone's neighborhood.

Ah, health problems. I had to go to the doctors for a "check-up" Monday. I have been out of my blood pressure medication and went in to get it reordered. My examination consisted of the student physician taking my blood pressure and asking me some simple questions. Then the doctor came in, reviewed the findings and wrote me a prescription. I also said about being on "edge" lately, so I will have to return in three to four weeks. I'm not sure why I've been snapping so much lately. Today I have that medicine head feeling, although I haven't taken anything. I don't know if it's my blood pressure medication or what. I just don't feel right.

I'll be finishing up with the first wall sometime this week, although not tonight (see previous posts referencing Wednesday nights). Then it's on to wall number two. That's the one that will be a job. I haven't decided exactly what I'm doing in the bathroom yet. I have several ideas about what to do with it. It's also going to take some time to run the wire for another light. I hope I at least get it narrowed down when it comes time to start that build. We shall see.

The chorus concert went well. My oldest must have stage fright as there was a look of fear(?) that was piercing. It was funny as some did their own little things. A girl danced, another sang, and then a group (three girls and one boy) sang together. It was short, so we went for ice cream afterwards. There we happened to see my cousin and his wife. They came over to see and she had to hold the baby. She liked the fact that our youngest actually stayed in her arms. We talked about many things, including his brother in Germany who I just happened to email before hand. Weird!

It's the end of the day, so I'll have to wrap it up for now. Later all.

Monday, May 09, 2005

My personal insanity.

In case anyone hasn't caught on to the fact, I don't give up too much information on my "personal" life. For example: I have mentioned my children, but I have never mentioned their names, sex, or anything that would set them apart; make them unique. I guess I'm a bit paranoid, and that comes from working in the prison system. It's also why I have a problem putting a picture on here. When you deal with hundreds of people that would use any personal information they could get against you, it sort of makes you that way. My wife yells at me because I get mad when my children's pictures are put on display. I've learned how pedofiles hunt and get children, and it's easier than most people think. I've been privy to what sort of things are in their minds, how they think. I've walked into schools, many schools, many times, and have seen pictures of children with their names and hobbies on display. Seems innocent enough, but that gives a child molester an edge on the child. They know things about them. They know who they are. How many adults would think twice if a stranger came to them and said, "Hey, (your name). Your friend Jane was telling me about the garden (or science project) you just finished. Told me it was really something to see. Maybe, if your not busy later, I could take a look at it to see if I could get any ideas for my own." Tell you that you met each other before but you probably don't remember as it was just briefly.

I should probably listen to my wife and relax a little bit. But it's difficult when I think of what people are capable of. Things would also be different if I didn't have a family (not that I would want that). It would be one thing for me to have a problem with an ex-convict, but for one to go after my family, that's different.

I'm going to have to return to this topic at another time because I have a chorus concert to attend. The oldest of the above, slightly mentioned munchkins is going to sing. I might mention how it was if time permits.

Next topic might be - Health Problems. Ooh. Something to look forward to.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

A little goes a long way!

I found out that I can add a little something different to my site. So I added a way that everyone can help me get my Harley! Make your donations right under my counter. I figure if everyone gives me a penny, I'll have it before I retire! YEA!!!!

I'm also going to try to ad a photo. I know I said it would never happen, but you know what they say about saying never.




I hope everyone enjoys the day. You deserve it. Or at least my mother and wife worked hard for it. It's amazing how much I put them through. The people I work with are starting to learn about the type of person I was in high school from some of my stories. I was an awful person. After meeting and dating my wife I changed completely. So I owe her more then anyone will ever know.



Saturday, May 07, 2005

Mother's Day is coming to town.

Our mother's are getting a late Mother's Day gift. My wife accidentally ordered two Scrapbooking kits and they're not here yet. She originally wanted to order one for her mom, but two were ordered so our gift shopping was done. I know my mom will like it, she likes Scrapbooking. My wife is apparently going to make out like a bandit. My oldest child said that my mother-in-law got gifts from them, and I got her Glow perfume by JLO. I don't care for "Jenny from the block" but Glow smells wonderful. I hope she likes it. I wanted to get her Miami Glow, but I can't find it anywhere.

I strayed away from the wall! It's still just a skeletal frame of a wall. I needed to pick some things up for my mother-in-law and got behind doing other things: getting the perfume. I wouldn't have had enough time to do much with the wall by the time I was done, so I wired a light and two switches in the stairwell. I'm not sure I like the way it works. I might change the way it's wired. At the moment, when the switch at the bottom of the steps is up and the light at the top is up the light is on. You can turn it on and off upstairs only if the bottom light switch is up. If it's down, it doesn't matter where the switch is positioned, the power to the light is off. It works, but it's just odd to me. I might look for a different wiring schematic and change the way it's wired. Maybe it's just me, I'll see what I find.

Well, till next time.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Greetings from Nowheresville

HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO! Drink Cuervo and DOS Equis and be merry.

Tonight's the night of the pizzeria dinner. I'll buy my beer and drink them at home. I'll also eat salsa and chips just to make it legitimate. It's hard to eat Mexican at an Italian eatery.

Nothing was done to the wall last night, there might not be anything done tonight. I think we'll be shopping after we get done eating. If that's the case, we'll be out most of the night. I'm off tomorrow, so I should be able to finish it then. I don't remember if I have something to do or not. If not, I'll be able to get it done.

The Government is a very odd place to work. Things are done because "they've been done that way for years." If someone has an idea it must go through forty people before it can be denied. If there's new technology that will improve or simplify a process, we'll get it right away - in ten to twenty years.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Continuing Saga of a Mad Man.

Well, the wall is studded out, but I'm told it won't get covered today. My wife informed me that after our eldest child's soccer practice we'll be watching "Lost". Nothing happens during lost. We are hooked on this show. I hope that "Lock" isn't going to be killed tonight. I think he's the most intriguing character on the show right now. And scientists wonder why Americans are over weight. Do away with television and very few people would be sitting around doing nothing all day. I better take that back; we have computers and video games to occupy any unused time. We've been doomed since the C.R.T. was invented.

Tomorrow we have to go out to eat. A local pizza shop gives a percentage of everything to our school. They do it the first Thursday of every month, so we eat there to support the school. And as a little bonus: we don't have to cook for a night. I guess my makeshift building techniques will have to resume then. I hope the "wall" will stand until then.

Later days.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Another Day In La La Land.

I hope this works as we are having computer problems. We have that a lot. Our IT department is made mostly of folks who know a small amount about computers that happened to take the position. They're learning as they go. Sadly enough, the people I work with come to me with computer questions because I know more about them then the IT department. I hope to work my way into an IT position here some day, just to make it better.

I feel good today. Yesterday I got a wall framed in. Hopefully I'll put the studs in place tonight. Then tomorrow I'll cut the plywood and cover the wall. I'm building two new walls to make new/more rooms. One will be a small nursery/bedroom for our newest addition. The other will be in the bathroom. I"m making a walk in closet/changing room to replace the "closet" we're giving up to make the nursery/bedroom. The house doesn't actually have any closets, just open space that was turned into closet/storage space. This will change the layout of the house slightly, but it will be more useful for us. Now it's just getting the work done. Then hopefully I'll be able to get the porch torn off and replaced on my "vacation".

My oldest seems to enjoy learning how to build things too. Thinks it's amazing how you can take a chisel and a hammer and make a notch in one piece of wood to fit another into it. Maybe someday they'll get to see a carpenter do a "professional" job. Until then they're stuck watching me fumble my way through it.

We'll see how it goes.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Life in a small town.

This is a very depressed area that I live in. Since the railroad and coal mines took a turn for the worse, and the factories have started to close, unemployment has been up. The local media claims it's steadily going down, but that's due to everyone moving to better places. A local business man decided it would be a good idea to make/open a new strip mall. It would bring "needed" jobs and commerce. That was about three years ago. As I sit here I can look across and see the progress they're making. One building is finished, nothing else. They made to State give them a grant for the money to build a four lane highway that would go through it. It's only sitting feet from our main State highway. And recently it was announced that he's looking to sell the "project", but claims it's not about money.

Just for background information:
We had two malls in the area but was has closed and a medical center bought it and took over. The other mall is within walking distance of the ground for the new one, and they can't fill all of the store fronts. From our hospital windows we've seen them move dirt from one area to another for the past several years (while constructing one building with no access). And the date keeps getting pushed back for the "Grand Opening". Several companies have promised to open stores in the new mall, only to back out after their proposed building date was pushed back by more than a year. Several millions of dollars have already been wasted on the project without any signs of completion in the near future.

It amazes me how our local government can stand on their soap boxes and report about the jobs and revenue that this new mall will bring. Am I wrong in thinking that we should be insulted by the fact that people will lose a factory or railroad job (that many have worked at for ten or more years) making twelve or so dollars an hour so that they can work in a mall for minimum wage and are expected to be grateful to the local officials for providing the work?

We also have bicycle races in the area that started about ten years ago. It's called "Tour DeToona". People from all over the world come to participate and compete in a "Tour DeFrance" style race. Again, local officials claimed that it would bring money into the local economy which would be seen and felt by everyone. So far we've seen a few more hotels/motels than we did before. We have more restaurants per square mile then anywhere else I've seen (you could drive to approximately 12 or more in less than 10 minutes). We've had four grocery stores (that I can think of) close to be taken over by resale stores (selling refurbished electronics or bought-out clothing/supplies like Big Lots).

Now for the thing that has me most baffled: I've worked for the Welfare Dept. and a Drug Rehabilitation facility and I know how many people are on public assistance, social security, and social security disability (boy is that a while other story). I see more new vehicles, SUVs, ATVs, water crafts, and such than I've ever seen in this area before. It's not just me seeing this either. A guy I work with lives in an even more depressed area and has noticed the same thing. There are at least five Hummers in the area, mostly owned by the Sheets family (owners of a gas station/convenience store chain - 7 eleven competitors). Everyone seems to be spending money like it grows on trees, but there are few good paying jobs in the area. Business' come and go on seemingly a daily basis.

I'm not one for "keeping up with the Jones", but I can't help but feel I'm doing something wrong. I can't afford to pay attention let alone have two vehicles; and SUVs at that. It's very frustrating seeing all that money being wasted in the guise of a better tomorrow while I'm struggling to make ends meet today. Now don't get me wrong. I feel I have a pretty good life; although my wife would argue with me about that. Yes, we need a bigger or at least better house (ours is honestly horrible), but we have one, and we're getting by. I know there is always someone out there struggling with much more serious problems than I could ever imagine or want. But to throw that much money away when so many people could benefit from more important projects seems a tragedy and a sin. Sadly enough, since I work for the Federal Government I see it happening all around me. This country has billions of dollars to throw away, but we can't take care of our children or elderly. I should get into politics, but I can't afford to - HA! That's alright, I'm too honest and speak my mind to freely to ever make it in politics.

Well, I really got on a roll with that one. I started typing at 11:31 and it's now 2:40 (I worked in between - I usually only type on my breaks/lunch). Now I guess everyone can see what I mean about my mind running with a topic. I could probably write several pages just on this subject. This is why I put it here instead of telling it to someone for hours. I can get it off my chest in a Cliff Notes version. And if no one wants to "hear" it, it's still very therapeutic to me.

That's enough for now. I feel my blood pressure dropping by the minute. Thanks for your time if you actually read through this mess.

Here's to better times.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Happiness is a cool breeze on bare skin.

It's raining today. Nothing heavy, just a constant drizzle. I hope it rains itself out today as the yard sale fundraiser is tomorrow. We hope to raise a decent amount of money for my oldest child's trip through Europe. It looks to be a big event as far as yard sales go. There is going to be baked goods, fundraiser candy bars, a raffle, and a 50/50 as well as all the things in a yard sale. I get to be in charge of "security" and money. Just because I'm big and ugly I have to intimidate any hoodlums that may show up. I expect to be beaten up by a few angry old ladies who are arguing over an ashtray or something along those lines. I'm more of a push-over then most would believe, I just look rough. It is funny though how children seem to see that more than adults. I love when a small child says in a loud voice, "Look dad! That man has no hair!". The father tries to quiet the child down without looking at me. All the while I'm making funny faces at the child having them laughing. It's good to be a freak.

You may be wondering what this post has to do with the title. Absolutely nothing. As I've mentioned in an earlier post - I hate trying to come up with a title. So, I just said whatever I thought. We were looking at homes in New Zealand a few days ago - another slow period at work - and there was a house that had a study/office with walls of windows that would completely open. It was beautiful. The wind was blowing the curtains back ever so slightly. It made me think of laying in bed on a hot summer morning and that cool breeze blows over your leg or shoulder and the sun is just breaking into the bedroom. Your awake but you refuse to open your eyes as you just want the moment to last forever. That would have been the perfect room for it. It appeared as though it looked out onto a jungle of foliage; nothing but thick, lush vegetation could be seen. No one for miles. Just you and the one you love. With nothing to do but enjoy each others company. True happiness; starting with just a breeze.

I guess I have to bring myself from my fantasy world and get back to work. Simple things can either make or devastate your day.

Later days.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


I wrote a BIG post/gripe yesterday and when I hit Publish Post I got an error message and the entire post was lost! I tried the Recover Post to no avail. I just can't believe I took at least an hour to complain and vent and now it's gone. See where complaining gets you?

I hope to ad a new link to my blog today. It's about song lyrics from the Eighties. If you like music it's pretty neat. I'm always looking to make this thing better, I just don't seem to have the time to do it. (That's what my ramblings were about yesterday - no time.) It's been a while since I wrote any HTML so I should probably refresh my knowledge of it. I would love to learn to code, but only for fun. I couldn't see myself coding for anything but pleasure. It's kind of like my thoughts on cooking: I love to cook but as soon as I'd have to do it for a living with someone telling me when it needs done, how it should be, etc. it would not be enjoyable anymore. I love to learn anything and everything. I feel the more you know the better off you'll be.

Sorry for rambling like I always do. I think I will look for some things to make this here blog thingy look better. That reminds me, I need to put a guest book in to see if anyone ever reads this thing. I don't think I have one yet. I'll have to check.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy.

I haven't seen the computer for a while. I've had many things to do, just no time to do anything. With the upcoming yard sale (fundraiser), work (more at home than on the job), soccer (oldest child, not me), and running everywhere for/with my wife, I find it hard to find time to breathe. What happened to computers helping us by taking away menial tasks to free up our time? Where is my time? I guess some things just don't work the way they were imagined. Then again, few things do. Ask Einstein.

Thanks for the comments about a career change. They were very interesting and helpful. Many things to think about now. Mainly, what do I want to do? I know I need a career change, I just don't know where I want to take it. I have a wide range of interested so it's difficult to narrow them into a career. We shall see.

Not much going on at the moment. Just work and running everyone all over.

I get to leave work early today. I work 6 - 2:30 but, I have 2 hours of comp. time to use. I'll also take my lunch break in there so I'll leave at 12:00. I have some more running to do today, but I might get a chance to write.

Later days.

Monday, April 18, 2005

A New Career.

I think I need to find a new career. I was thinking of becoming a "Crime Fighter", but I wouldn't look good in tights (also why I ruled out Pro Wrestler). There isn't much money in it either, it seems you must be wealthy to begin with (think of Batman). I don't know what path to travel down at this point in my life. It seems I can't afford to go back to college and bring up a family. Maybe I should look into online schools. I'm just running some ideas through my mind. It seems to help if I verbalize them. So if I get a little goofy, it's just me dealing with the voices in my head.

I don't know if I want to further my Nursing and become an RN or just go in a completely different route. Maybe a stunt car driver (my wife tells me I drive fast and crazy enough). I just can't see me wiping butt until I'm SEVENTY. I got into Nursing because it was paid for, I couldn't commute to Pittsburgh, and it took longer to go through Mortician school than I could give up. I'd still like to become a Mortician, it's just that time/travel thing.

I guess I'll have to think on it. I also love working on computers and electrical wiring. Anyone with ideas/advice - type away.


Friday, April 15, 2005

The end is growing near.

It's almost breakfast time for the patients and it's almost time for me to go home. I'm more than ready for a long snooze. This will be the start of the first weekend off in a while. I would like to do nothing, but I'm sure I'll run around like always. Someone will want me to do something for them. Not to mention I have about forty million things that need done around the house. No rest for the wicked I guess.

Trays are here and it's time for me to get back to work. See you in the funny pages.


It's a long night. I slept all day but I'm still tired. I have a head cold that's just draining me. We were to have three people on but one called off. Now it's just me and an RN and I'm just beat. I feel bad because I don't feel like I'm pulling my weight. It's like I'm in slow motion. I don't know if I have everything done that I'm supposed to or not. It's been a while since I worked third shift without another LPN in this facility. I'm going to check everything to make sure I did everything and get ready for morning meds. If I can stay awake long enough, or I get another chance, I'll write more.

If not, wish me wondrous dreams.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The end of another night shift.

Only one more to go. At eight o'clock I will have finished another third shift. Tomorrow will be my last. I will work four to midnight as my off tour from then on. With everyone working that shift I don't think it will be that bad. Only have to do them every so often and they won't destroy my days off when I have to do one. I'm thinking of pulling out the bicycle (still waiting for someone to give up a motorcycle) to go to work, we'll see though. Maybe I'll look into getting a scooter? Anybody want to send me a cheap scooter? I highly doubt it with the gas prices the way they are. I guess I'll be stuck trying to buy one for myself. Too bad I wasn't a young, pretty girl. Then I'd probably get all kinds of offers to buy me one. I just don't see a 6'0", bald, white guy passing himself off for a young, blonde girl. But then again, this is the internet (Ha, Ha.).

Well, it's getting close to quitting time. Good night; or good morning, which ever you prefer. I'm going to bed!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The man of oblivion.

Well, I guess I'll start by saying I was almost entirely invisible yesterday. I was given a task by my supervisor that kept me busy. So, Helga the Horrible was happy she didn't have to deal with/see me much and everyone else treated me like I was invisible. She was happily barking orders to her minions and they were nipping at her heels trying to please her. It's very funny how everyone treats her like their superior when she is our equal. That would be the main reason she despises me, I refuse to "bow down" to her and follow her demands. If she asks me to do something or for help I'm right there. I just refuse to be ordered to do something by my equal. If she had any authority it would definitely be different.

I believe another of my faults is that I'm a MAN. It seems like she tries to go out of her way to prove that she doesn't NEED a man to help her with the job. She has also stated as such many, many times. She dislikes at least two of the three other men that work directly with her, but they don't openly disagree/disobey her the way I do. I have told her on more then one occasion that she is not in charge and if she wants something from me to ask for it, and until that happens it won't get done by me. I can't help it, it's just the way I'm wired. If I have a problem with someone or disagree with someone I go to them and tell them about it. If I am going to say something about someone I will go to them and tell them what it was, trying to do it before it gets to them from someone else. I try to be open and honest, I'm just blunt. I tend to say what I think without holding any punches. Some people don't like that. She will complain to everyone about me, but me.

I never thought that working with women would be so........Different.? I'm beginning to believe that most women are either bipolar or have a split personality. It's self evident that I get treated differently by almost everyone when Helga is working. I feel like I'm back in grade school. When they're with Helga they kiss up to her and tell her that she's right. But, when they come over to me they're all for me. They'll say things like, "I can't believe that she hates you so much." or something to that effect. Now it's known that she hates to work with me so they'll do what they can to keep us on separate ends of the hall. It makes things easier for the rest of the staff, she doesn't complain to them or end up in a bad mood.

And here I thought my childhood was over! Some never make it out of kindergarten.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Another wondrous day.

Today was really good. No one was complaining or bickering. And then my wife brought our youngest in to see everyone around lunch time. Tomorrow may be a little different; my nemesis will be working. They were going to put us working together but I had to put a stop to that, she would have been in a foul mood (which is hard to tell the difference) all day long. Now she'll just ignore me and not say anything (to me) unless absolutely necessary. I feel that if she takes all her problems out on me (she's admitted to hating me) then she'll leave someone else alone. She seems to have at least a small problem with everyone. I'm a big guy, I can take it. I usually just irritate her into submission anyway. Then she sulks around and tries to get me in trouble with my supervisor - which doesn't work, she as well as all the other nurses know me too well to believe her complaints.

I'll be switching off tour shifts soon and can't wait. I have two more third shift tours coming up and then I'll have no more to do. I just signed my final copy of my evaluation. I don't know how long that will take to be reviewed. We'll wait and see how it goes.

Once again, it's time to go back to work.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Reason for the pause.

It's been a few days since I've been able to blog as my wife's family apparently has a bad medical history. We've spent more time in a hospital, not the one I work at, than any of us wanted to.

My wife's Grandmother (who was recently diagnosed with Dementia/Alzheimers) was discharged Friday morning after having surgery for rectal cancer. Then her Grandfather (who is Diabetic) was admitted Friday night after falling down the stairs. Tonight, my Mother-In-Law (who was diagnosed a few years ago with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis) went to the hospital with severe abdominal pain, although she was not admitted. My poor wife has been running ragged as I've had to work all weekend. She also had to take our eldest child to the People To People meeting Saturday morning. And all this with sleep being a rare treat with our seven month old. And now they both (the kids) have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning that she's missing work for, and her mother has to see her doctor as soon as possible. If my wife has her (not my Mother-In-Law's) way that will also be tomorrow.

My Mother-In-Law is basically responsible for her parents. I believe her brothers feel that since she doesn't work (disabled due to Lupus) that she can take care of their needs. She used to take her mother, almost everyday, running here and there; shopping, getting her hair done etc. Since her car broke down and she can't afford to get another one she does what she can when someone can take her and pick them/her (Grandma) up. My wife does a lot of this. My Mother-In-Law has been running herself down trying to take care of them. That's why she ended up going to the hospital - STRESS. She is going to work/worry herself into a Lupus flair up that will put her in the hospital for a while.

So, I haven't had time to breath lately. I hope to write more, more often. See Ya'.